MarvinJS can't handle CR-LF style line terminations in mol

User 7f33ec9a5c

19-11-2015 05:51:46

I am finding that if one tries to upload a molfile with \r\n line terminations to Marvin, Marvin can not read the molfile.

If I take the same molfile, and change the line endings to unix style \n then marvin can read the molfile.

Seems like this will cause windows users a lot of trouble.


ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

19-11-2015 14:23:21


Thanks for reporting this issue. Could you attach a non-conidential mol file with this ending, please? It would be a great help for debugging.



ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

19-11-2015 14:41:37

Could you also check your Marvin JS version please? Similar bug was fixed in version 15.6.15.

