Import Image Format

User 8139ea8dbd

28-10-2015 01:34:25

MarvinJS no longer can import image format (usign OSRA), is this in the plan to be added? Thanks

ChemAxon 13811e1703

28-10-2015 10:21:24


There is a service in JChem Web Services which you can use for image recognition if OSRA is installed properly on your system:

POST /rest-v0/utilext/calculate/molExport
Content-Type: multipart/form-data

Request body should contain the image file you want to recognize and optional "parameters" field for defining output format as json string (

By default it will return the structure in mrv format.


User 8139ea8dbd

28-10-2015 14:06:36

Thanks for the information.  That does enable us to write a separate app using JChem web service.

However, the question remains, we have licensed both MarvinJS and web service, how can users import image format within MarvinJS instead of using another dedicated in-house app to do this?  It seems to be a valid request to have the "Image" format supported in the MarvinJS menu Open > Paste Source, as users can do that with Marvin Applet.


ChemAxon 76c88f5366

29-10-2015 16:03:46


Currently, this feature is not available in Marvin JS.

I have made an item in our issue tracking system about your request.

Best regards,