Hide tool bar?

User 8139ea8dbd

23-09-2015 16:27:11

I try to render a structure in MarvinJS in read-only mode.  Is there a way to control the visibility of tool bars. (Basically users only need to be able to zoom in/out, rotate in this read-only mode). Thanks.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

25-09-2015 11:03:51

Unfortunately, this option is not available in Marvin JS. However, we are working on the Toolbar customization currently.  Could it fit to your workflow that the toolbar will not appear if there is no any button on it?

Best regards,


User 8139ea8dbd

25-09-2015 13:10:10

Yes, that can work.  Do you have an example on how to remove all menu buttons?  Thanks

ChemAxon 76c88f5366

28-09-2015 08:51:52

The customization is in progress, until it is finished, you can only use the presets to set the GUI layout, or give editable pictures to your page.

Here you can find the currently available presets: https://marvinjs-demo.chemaxon.com/latest/examples/example-toolbars.html

See an example about the editable pictures, here: https://marvinjs-demo.chemaxon.com/latest/examples/example-edit-images.html
