
User 870ab5b546

30-03-2015 18:53:49

MarvinJS 14.11.10 has the following Javascript method:

Returns an object which provides information about the current structure on the canvas. This information can be useful for choosing the best export format. 

The properties:
'atomCount'integerthe number of atoms
'bondCount'integerthe number of bonds
'rGroupAttachmentCount'integerthe number of R-Group attachments
'electronFlowArrowCount'integerthe number of electron flow arrows
'straightArrowCount'integerthe number of reaction arrow or other straight arrows
'graphicalObjectCount'integerthe number of graphical objects such as boxes or ellipses
'sGroupCount'integerthe number of expanded and contracted abbreviations and other S-Groups
'rGroupCount'integerthe number of R-Groups
'hasQueryProperties'boolean {true, false}true if any atom or bond has advanced any query properties, true otherwise
'is3DStructure'boolean {true, false}true any atom has a valid z coordinate, false otherwise
'isReaction'boolean {true, false}true if the structure has at least one atom, and has exactly one straight arrow, false otherwise
'isRGroupMolecule'boolean {true, false}true if the structure has at least one atom, at least one R-Group and at least one R-Group attachment point, false otherwise

This method appears to have been eliminated in MarvinJS; it is not listed in the API, and my program halts when it encounters the line,

if (marvinSketcherInstance.getStructureInfo().atomCount === 0) {

Why has it been eliminated, is there a workaround, and do you plan to reintroduce it or something similar?

User 870ab5b546

31-03-2015 12:30:33

I would add that the Javascript code above did NOT cause an error message to be displayed in the console when it failed, so it took a while for me to trace the source of the problem. I don't understand why I didn't see an error message in the console.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

03-04-2015 14:25:28

We have plans to create a workaround of this particular usage. Could you send me a more detailed description how did you use this?

Thanks a lot,


User 870ab5b546

03-04-2015 18:44:29

We use it to make sure that a student's response contains a structure of some kind. It's a simple check that we prefer to do in Javascript, rather than sending it back to the server to count the atoms.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

27-04-2015 09:19:22

As I see, you attempt to assert whether the canvas contains any structure or not.

Please, check the isEmpty() function of the MarvinJS Sketch. I guess it may be a suitable solution for you.

User 870ab5b546

27-04-2015 13:46:27

Yes and no. Does isEmpty() return true for the following MRV? If it returns false, then it is not suitable.

<cml><MDocument><MChemicalStruct><molecule molID="m1"><atomArray/><bondArray/></molecule></MChemicalStruct><MRectangle lineColor="#000000" id="o1"><MPoint x="-5.25" y="-0.3333333333333333"/><MPoint x="0.125" y="-0.3333333333333333"/><MPoint x="0.125" y="3.3333333333333335"/><MPoint x="-5.25" y="3.3333333333333335"/></MRectangle><MRectangle lineColor="#000000" id="o2"><MPoint x="3.4583333333333335" y="-0.4583333333333333"/><MPoint x="8.583333333333334" y="-0.4583333333333333"/><MPoint x="8.583333333333334" y="3.25"/><MPoint x="3.4583333333333335" y="3.25"/></MRectangle><MPolyline headLength="0.6" headWidth="0.4" id="o3"><MRectanglePoint rectRef="o1" pos="5"/><MRectanglePoint rectRef="o2" pos="7"/></MPolyline></MDocument></cml>

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

29-04-2015 10:38:44

Of course, in the referred case, isEmpty() returns with false. Unless the canvas is dirty, this function returns with true.

User 870ab5b546

29-04-2015 13:29:55

Then isEmpty() is not suitable, and I would like you to restore getStructureInfo().