I'm trying to upgrade to MarvinJS 15.5.4. I am getting a 404 error in the Javascript console that is preventing MarvinJS from loading:
[Error] Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 404 (Not Found) (B755248E7BCCA6979900D02B758C8D6F.cache.js, line 0)
The missing resource is apparently called from gui.nocache.js. If I look at gui.nocache.js in the browser's Web inspector, I see this line of code:
function gui() {var O = 'bootstrap', P = 'begin', Q = 'gwt.codesvr.gui=', R = 'gwt.codesvr=',
S = 'gui', T = 'startup', U = 'DUMMY', V = 0, W = 1, X = 'iframe', Y = 'javascript:""',
Z = 'position:absolute; width:0; height:0; border:none; left: -1000px;',
$ = ' top: -1000px;', _ = 'CSS1Compat', ab = '<!doctype html>', bb = '',
cb = '<html><head><\/head><body><\/body><\/html>', db = 'undefined',
eb = 'DOMContentLoaded', fb = 50, gb = 'Chrome', hb = 'eval("', ib = '");',
jb = 'script', kb = 'javascript', lb = 'moduleStartup', mb = 'moduleRequested',
nb = 'Failed to load ', ob = 'head', pb = 'meta', qb = 'name', rb = 'gui::',
sb = '::', tb = 'gwt:property', ub = 'content', vb = '=', wb = 'gwt:onPropertyErrorFn',
xb = 'Bad handler "', yb = '" for "gwt:onPropertyErrorFn"', zb = 'gwt:onLoadErrorFn',
Ab = '" for "gwt:onLoadErrorFn"', Bb = '#', Cb = '?', Db = '/', Eb = 'img',
Fb = 'clear.cache.gif', Gb = 'baseUrl', Hb = 'gui.nocache.js', Ib = 'base', Jb = '//',
Kb = 'clipboardData.access', Lb = 'window', Mb = 'event', Nb = 'gecko.variant',
Ob = 'user.agent', Pb = 'gecko1_8', Qb = 'none', Rb = 'trident', Sb = 'ie11', Tb = 'std',
Ub = 2, Vb = 'onLoad', Wb = 'default', Xb = 'webkit', Yb = 'safari', Zb = 'msie', $b = 10,
_b = 11, ac = 'ie10', bc = 9, cc = 'ie9', dc = 8, ec = 'ie8', fc = 'gecko', gc = 3,
hc = 4, ic = 'selectingPermutation', jc = 'gui.devmode.js',
kc = 'B5CE164BB1A3439CF1C917FAC9722DEF', lc = 'foobar', mc = ':1', nc = ':2', oc = ':3',
pc = 'B755248E7BCCA6979900D02B758C8D6F',
qc = 'DE52D56DE290E2181EBBE348E0ADAC5B',
rc = 'E1AC3A4AE08AE791E30A20A8675F4CD0',
sc = 'E23A1CE5299E78BE128DD3CEFC5EC9D4',
tc = ':4', uc = ':5', vc = ':6', wc = ':7', xc = ':', yc = '.cache.js', zc = 'link',
Ac = 'rel', Bc = 'stylesheet', Cc = 'href', Dc = 'loadExternalRefs',
Ec = 'css/auto/clean.css', Fc = 'css/auto/gui.css', Gc = 'end', Hc = 'http:', Ic = 'file:',
Jc = '_gwt_dummy_', Kc = '__gwtDevModeHook:gui', Lc = 'Ignoring non-whitelisted Dev Mode URL: ',
Mc = ':moduleBase';
However, if I look at marvinJS15.5.4/gui/gui/nocache.js, I see:
function gui(){var O='bootstrap',
P='begin', Q='gwt.codesvr.gui=', R='gwt.codesvr=', S='gui', T='startup', U='DUMMY',
V=0,W=1,X='iframe', Y='javascript:""',
Z='position:absolute; width:0; height:0; border:none; left: -1000px;',
$=' top: -1000px;', _='CSS1Compat', ab='<!doctype html>', bb='',
cb='<html><head><\/head><body><\/body><\/html>', db='undefined', eb='DOMContentLoaded',
fb=50,gb='Chrome', hb='eval("', ib='");', jb='script', kb='javascript', lb='moduleStartup',
mb='moduleRequested', nb='Failed to load ', ob='head', pb='meta', qb='name', rb='gui::',
sb='::', tb='gwt:property', ub='content', vb='=', wb='gwt:onPropertyErrorFn',
xb='Bad handler "', yb='" for "gwt:onPropertyErrorFn"', zb='gwt:onLoadErrorFn',
Ab='" for "gwt:onLoadErrorFn"', Bb='#', Cb='?', Db='/', Eb='img', Fb='clear.cache.gif',
Gb='baseUrl', Hb='gui.nocache.js', Ib='base', Jb='//', Kb='clipboardData.access',
Lb='window', Mb='event', Nb='gecko.variant', Ob='user.agent', Pb='gecko1_8', Qb='none',
Rb='trident', Sb='ie11', Tb='std', Ub=2,Vb='onLoad', Wb='default', Xb='webkit',
Yb='safari', Zb='msie', $b=10,_b=11,ac='ie10', bc=9,cc='ie9', dc=8,ec='ie8', fc='gecko',
gc=3,hc=4,ic='selectingPermutation', jc='gui.devmode.js',
kc='00F0FE502E984A4DC2A26427DA2584B7', lc='foobar', mc=':1', nc=':2', oc=':3',
qc='47DEB9983FD63E323B31878DD5B8DAEA', rc=':4', sc=':5', tc=':6', uc=':7',
wc='E1836994B823A7DA81874961CB7BCD35', xc=':', yc='.cache.js', zc='link', Ac='rel',
Bc='stylesheet', Cc='href', Dc='loadExternalRefs', Ec='css/auto/clean.css',
Fc='css/auto/gui.css', Gc='end', Hc='http:', Ic='file:', Jc='_gwt_dummy_',
Kc='__gwtDevModeHook:gui', Lc='Ignoring non-whitelisted Dev Mode URL: ',
Mc=':moduleBase';var o=window;var p=document;r(O,P);function q(){var a=o.location.search;
return a.indexOf(Q)!=-1||a.indexOf(R)!=-1}
Note the different values assigned to the variable pc. Now, if I look at marvinJS15.3.30/gui/gui.nocache.js, an earlier version, I see what I see in the browser (disregard the differences in line returns), namely:
function gui(){var O='bootstrap', P='begin', Q='gwt.codesvr.gui=', R='gwt.codesvr=',
S='gui', T='startup', U='DUMMY', V=0,W=1,X='iframe', Y='javascript:""',
Z='position:absolute; width:0; height:0; border:none; left: -1000px;', $=' top: -1000px;',
_='CSS1Compat', ab='<!doctype html>', bb='', cb='<html><head><\/head><body><\/body><\/html>',
db='undefined', eb='DOMContentLoaded', fb=50,gb='Chrome', hb='eval("', ib='");', jb='script',
kb='javascript', lb='moduleStartup', mb='moduleRequested', nb='Failed to load ', ob='head',
pb='meta', qb='name', rb='gui::', sb='::', tb='gwt:property', ub='content', vb='=',
wb='gwt:onPropertyErrorFn', xb='Bad handler "', yb='" for "gwt:onPropertyErrorFn"',
zb='gwt:onLoadErrorFn', Ab='" for "gwt:onLoadErrorFn"', Bb='#', Cb='?', Db='/', Eb='img',
Fb='clear.cache.gif', Gb='baseUrl', Hb='gui.nocache.js', Ib='base', Jb='//',
Kb='clipboardData.access', Lb='window', Mb='event', Nb='gecko.variant', Ob='user.agent',
Pb='gecko1_8', Qb='none', Rb='trident', Sb='ie11', Tb='std', Ub=2,Vb='onLoad', Wb='default',
Xb='webkit', Yb='safari', Zb='msie', $b=10,_b=11,ac='ie10', bc=9,cc='ie9', dc=8,ec='ie8',
fc='gecko', gc=3,hc=4,ic='selectingPermutation', jc='gui.devmode.js',
kc='B5CE164BB1A3439CF1C917FAC9722DEF', lc='foobar', mc=':1', nc=':2', oc=':3',
sc='E23A1CE5299E78BE128DD3CEFC5EC9D4', tc=':4', uc=':5', vc=':6', wc=':7', xc=':',
yc='.cache.js', zc='link', Ac='rel', Bc='stylesheet', Cc='href', Dc='loadExternalRefs',
Ec='css/auto/clean.css', Fc='css/auto/gui.css', Gc='end', Hc='http:', Ic='file:',
Jc='_gwt_dummy_', Kc='__gwtDevModeHook:gui', Lc='Ignoring non-whitelisted Dev Mode URL: ',
Mc=':moduleBase';var o=window;var p=document;r(O,P);
So it looks like the web page is loading marvinJS15.3.30/gui/gui.nocache.js even though we are pointing to marvinJS15.5.4. I have repeatedly refreshed the page, emptied the cache, etc., but no joy. Any idea what is going on?
BTW, we have two versions of our web app running, one pointing to MarvinJS 15.5.4, the other to MarvinJS 15.3.30, but both of which are using the same version of JChem Web Services. Could this have anything to do with the problem?