User 870ab5b546
20-11-2014 18:54:11
In the various dialog boxes (View settings, Atom properties, Bond properties), the Ok button is disabled unless I actually change a value. This is annoying behavior. Yes, I know I can press the X button on the upper right, but what advantage is there to disabling the Ok button? Sometimes I just want to see the various values or options without changing them, and sometimes I change my mind about changing a value. Either way, if all the values look OK to me, my instinct is to press the Ok button -- which is also bigger and easier to see than the X in the upper right.
Also, in the word "OK," it is standard to capitalize both letters, not just one.
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
24-11-2014 13:59:54
There are some other ways to close a dialog window:
You can press Esc keyboard button to close the dialog, or just left-click next to the window (currently the latter one is not working for "Atom properties" and "Bond properties" dialog, but we have already an item in our issue tracking system about this).
Thank you for reporting the typo in "OK".
User 870ab5b546
24-11-2014 14:38:33
OK, there are many ways to close the dialog box, but none are as simple or obvious as pressing the OK button. Why should OK not close the dialog box when nothing has changed? What is the purpose of disabling it?
ChemAxon 76c88f5366
01-12-2014 15:11:37
Dear Bob,
The thought behind the OK button disabling was that we assumed that our users would open the atom and bond properties dialog in order to make changes in it. So the information, that (for some reason) they didn't make any changes, would be more useful for them than closing the dialog without warning them.
In addition to that, we tried to make the closing of the dialogs easy, so that we developed some alternative ways they can do it. (Such as clicking the "x icon" on the upper-right corner of the window, pressing the Escape keyboard button, or clicking next to the window.)
Best regards,
User 870ab5b546
01-12-2014 16:15:45
I think a user would know if he or she hadn't changed anything. If everything looks OK to me, I want to press the OK button. Having other ways to close the window is fine, but I still strongly prefer an OK button that works.