User 870ab5b546
09-11-2014 02:47:40
Well, I found a workaround for MarvinJS's lack of textboxes. All I needed was the ability to place numbers 1, 2, ... on the canvas. I found that I could create a pseudoatom with the alias of 1, 2, ... and place it on the canvas. Then, on the back end, I look for one-atom molecules in which the atom is a pseudoatom.
Obviously this workaround is not ideal, for several reasons. One of them is that the alias is automatically subscripted, making it smaller than the atom labels and harder to read. Is there a way to turn off the subscripting? Really, numbers should be subscripted only when they follow letters anyway.
I also note that space characters in an alias are omitted in the drawing. Any reason for that? If not, it would be nice to show the space characters as well, so that we can display phrases on the MarvinJS canvas.
Anyway, this workaround will do for now, but I'd still like to get the textboxes.