problems with charges

User 870ab5b546

06-11-2014 19:17:08

When a C atom bears a + or – charge, it is customary to draw the C symbol and the number of implicit H atoms. See the side-by-side comparison of MarvinJS and MarvinSketch. The MarvinSketch behavior is greatly favorable.

Also, the + and – signs in MarvinJS are so small as to be nearly invisible, especially where they are overlapping the bonds. Both the size and placement of the charges need to be improved.

ChemAxon 996dedebe0

07-11-2014 08:37:36

This behaviour in Marvin JS is intentional.

We think it would be very confusing if some of non terminal atoms had implicit H (just because it has charge) and some of them had none. It looks like if those atoms had no implicit H at all, which is wrong.

We will discuss your problem within the team.

User 870ab5b546

07-11-2014 13:24:17

It may be intentional, but it is not desirable. The MarvinSketch behavior is much preferable. The MarvinSketch behavior is not confusing at all, in fact it is less confusing, because it emphasizes that the explicitly drawn C atom has a charge.

Note also that the lone pair on a C that is at the bottom vertex of a V should be horizontal and underneath the C, not vertical and to its right.

User 870ab5b546

07-11-2014 18:20:37

Here's another example of a problematic charge. Note that the – sign is barely visible because of its poor placement. (It's even worse if I turn off lone pairs view.)  It should be to the left of the lone pair. Here, the C symbol is displayed in the top case, so why not in the bottom case?

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

24-11-2014 11:25:21

This last behaviour is a bug. We will fix it.



User 870ab5b546

12-01-2015 14:55:53

Any idea when these bugs regarding charge/electron pair placement and charge size/visibility will be fixed?

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

16-01-2015 09:02:12

Hi Bob,

We put this task in our backlog but unfortunately, I cannot promise a deadline when this will be fixed.

Best regards,


User 870ab5b546

17-05-2015 10:49:12

This problem is still present, and it is still seriously impacting the usability and readability of MarvinJS.