User 7a9cb0374c
30-10-2014 21:58:02
Hi Chemaxon,
It has been great to see the increasing feature parity of MarvinJS to Marvin Sketch. There are some query structure features that we fallback on Marvin Sketch for support, but that list is shrinking so we can use MarvinJS more :D
Our logic to fallback onto Marvin Sketch is crude, which has worked in the past. With the increased feature parity, that logic seems to be insufficient. There are cases where we open Marvin Sketch when MarvinJS would handle the given structure well.
Our basic approach is to convert the given structure to a molfile using Webservices and a second conversion of the drawn MarvinJS structure to a molfile. If those two molfiles are not the same (via string equality), we close the JS editor and launch Marvin Sketch. As stated, this seems no longer sufficient.
My question is if there is existing functionality to determine MarvinJS structure compatibility (as maybe a javascript function or Webservices call) or if there is a good way to implement this ourselves?
Much thanks,