User 870ab5b546
28-10-2014 17:06:26
When I load the examples page marvin4JS/index.html, I can clean 2D, clean 3D, and look at R/S configurations, which suggests that we have Web services implemented correctly. However, when I try to hydrogenize, I get this error:
Failed HTTP request.
Response is not OK from /webservices/rest-v0/util/convert/hydrogenizer
What do I need to do to access the hydrogenization tool? We use editorws.html when creating the iframe that will contain Marvin4JS. I see that editorws.html calls getDefaultServices(), which is defined in js/webservices.js as follows:
function getDefaultServices() {
var base = getDefaultServicesPrefix();
var services = {
"clean2dws" : base + "/rest-v0/util/convert/clean",
"clean3dws" : base + "/rest-v0/util/convert/clean",
"molconvertws" : base + "/rest-v0/util/calculate/molExport",
"stereoinfows" : base + "/rest-v0/util/calculate/cipStereoInfo",
"reactionconvertws" : base + "/rest-v0/util/calculate/reactionExport",
"hydrogenizews" : base + "/rest-v0/util/convert/hydrogenizer",
"automapperws" : base + "/rest-v0/util/convert/reactionConverter"
return services;