MarvinJS and older Firefox versions

User 5d5e70757b

09-07-2014 22:55:09

It looks like MarvinJS does not work well with older Firefox versions. I have MarvinJS embedded in my webpage and use the exportAsMol() function to put the mol file in a text field and submit this to the server. This works fine, but a user has Firefox 3.0.7 and it looks like the marvinSketcherInstance variable is not initialized in that browser. The JavaScript console gives "Exception "Not enough arguments" location "JS frame getMarvinPromise line 155" error and later "marvinSketcherInstance is undefined". Somehow users can't update. Does somebody know something about this problem? It really seems to be a problem related to browser versions, because the same website with other (newer) Firefox versions and other browsers work, so my code seems to be correct.



ChemAxon 996dedebe0

11-07-2014 09:49:19

Dear Stefan,


Unfortunately our previous promise implementation had random side effects (crashes), so we had to replace it with the native Promise with a popular polyfill, it seems, your user's browser is too obsolete, even for the polyfill. Is there a way to convince your user to upgrade the browser (we highly recommend that, especially because we intend to keep Marvin JS on the edge of web technologies)?


You can check whether the problem is in your code or in browser support, please visit this example with that browser: and try to export the drawn structure (and then try to re import it).