User 16d6255802
24-03-2014 13:51:26
I'm creating a chemistry nomenclature tool that will test students at our University on naming molecules, drawing molecules and identifying functional groups. You can find the product (in it's current unfinished state) at
I'm having a hard time fixing a specific bug but first a small explanation of the tool.
Students choose the types of questions they wish to see (name, draw or identify) as well as skill levels and functional group categories. Once they start the quiz, they are given 10 questions to answer. The "Draw" questions present a specific molecule name and allow the student to attempt to draw the molecule in a Marvin for JavaScript applet.
The tool works perfectly in Chrome and Safari but I have a bug in FireFox. Whenever there are multiple instances of the Marvin for JavaScript applet (which means more than one "Draw" question is present in the quiz). Once I activate 1 of the applets by drawing in it, all of the other instances no longer allow me to draw in them. They still allow me to select tools or save or click any of the elements on the outer walls of the tool, but the actual drawing canvas no longer works.
Have you seen this before? Do you know what may be causing this and how I could possibly get around it?