Marvin4JS on iPad/Tablets

User f1664d171d

19-11-2013 13:51:28

Hey all,

So I have a question in regards to viewing Marvin4JS on an iPad. Currently working on a project that includes Marvin4JS and we would like it to work on Desktops and tablets, and although the applet itself does load (and is functional), it seems no matter what size I give the applet (or surrounding <div>) it either loads only half of the applet or loads the entire applet but takes over most of the screen (aka breaking outside of the <div> entirely).

Is there a way around this? Some extra width and height attributes I can add somewhere? I visited the examples page with my iPad and have been getting the same issues.

Any help would be greatly appreciated!!


ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

20-11-2013 20:54:07

Hi Jamey,

We are aware of this bug on ipad. One solution can be if you embed the application into a popp-up window in a panel.

Best Regards,
