User 870ab5b546
02-04-2013 17:39:04
Are there plans to introduce curved arrows, rectangles, and graphical arrows anytime soon? They are absolute requirements for our purposes.
User 870ab5b546
02-04-2013 17:39:04
Are there plans to introduce curved arrows, rectangles, and graphical arrows anytime soon? They are absolute requirements for our purposes.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
09-04-2013 22:20:04
Sorry for the late answer. Could you please clarify what do you mean by curved arrow? (An electronflow arrow?)
Reactions, lonepair and radicals in the plan for 6.2 (October). We did not planned graphical objects yet. May I ask about some information: why are the rectangles is important for you? Do you want text boxes also, or just the graphical objects?
User 870ab5b546
09-04-2013 22:23:38
Yes, curved arrows = electron-flow arrows. We need boxes to enclose the individual steps of mechanisms. We also need textboxes, too, to contain numbers that refer to particular reaction conditions. But the boxes and curved arrows are higher priority.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
09-04-2013 22:55:10
For the electronflow arrow: you need the right position calculated like in MSketch, or a cureved arrow could solve your problem? (I assume that is why you asked for it at the first place.) Am I understand correctly that In this case: the head of the arrow should be optional (half and full), and you would like to see the starting and ending position in the MRV file?
User 870ab5b546
10-04-2013 15:24:50
Yes, we need the behavior to be just as it is in MarvinSketch. And yes, the head of the arrow should be full or half, and the MRV must include the arrow source (either an atom or a bond) and the arrow sink (atom, bond, or incipient bond). As the user draws the arrow, then if she points it to neither an atom nor a bond, then MarvinSketch needs to see if its location is between two atoms (so the arrow is indicating an incipient bond between them), and blue semicircles need to appear around those two atoms and a dashed line between them. (The semicircles and dashed line disappear when the user releases the mouse or clicks again, but they reappear temporarily when the user mouses over the arrow with the Select tool.) Also, if the arrow is pointing to an incipient bond, the position of the head of the arrow needs to be midway between the two atoms if it is a one-electron arrow, and 75-80% of the way to the second atom if it is a two-electron arrow.
User 870ab5b546
28-08-2013 20:31:54
Considering the way support for Java has been precipitously declining, the sooner you can add these features (electron-flow arrows, rectangles, graphical arrows, and textboxes), the better! Any progress to report?
07-09-2013 08:39:13
thank you for sharing that information.
User ded68b5be1
09-09-2013 17:36:11
As the user draws the arrow, then if she points
it to neither an atom nor a bond, then MarvinSketch needs to see if its
location is between two atoms (so the arrow is indicating an incipient
bond between them), and blue semicircles need to appear around those two
atoms and a dashed line between them.
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
17-09-2013 19:12:47
We start to work on this feature this autumn. Instead of starting the e-flow arrow from the atom, I want to start it from the electrons as we do from the 6.1 of Msketch.