shortcut groups problems

User 870ab5b546

02-04-2013 17:37:21

I drew 3-butyl-2-acetylnaphthalene with shortcut groups Ac and Bu, and I got a remote server error when I pressed the 2D clean button.

Is it going to be possible to bring up shortcut groups by typing them, like in MarvinSketch for Java?  I don't like the infinitely long pulldown menu.  I see that typing Ac brings up acetyl, but typing Bu doesn't bring up Bu, it brings up U (a uranium atom).  I also can't bring up Et or OMe by typing.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

09-04-2013 22:40:51

Thank you for checking out the new JavaScriot version. And special thanks for the bug report (server error during cleaning), we are investigating it.

"Is it going to be possible to bring up shortcut groups by typing them, like in MarvinSketch for Java?" We have to discuss with the team.

"I see that typing Ac brings up acetyl, but typing Bu doesn't bring up Bu, it brings up U (a uranium atom).  I also can't bring up Et or OMe by typing."

Please be aware that the typing is not case sensitive and type only lowercase letters. 
That way, all listed abbreviations work, except OMe, because our list only contains MeO.

ChemAxon f052bdfe3c

05-05-2013 13:16:57

I am happy to inform you that the cleaning bug will be fixed in version 6.0 of Marvin for JavaScript.


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

07-05-2013 19:04:19

To tell the truth, the bugfix is in the upcoming (6.0) JChem Webservice, not in the Marvin4JS code.

As 6.0 release appears, both Marvin4JS and webservice should be updated.

User 870ab5b546

12-09-2013 17:21:17

I have tried typing "meo" (all lower-case) to bring up the MeO group, as you suggested.  It does not work.  Instead, Marvin highlights the M button on the lower left, then the O button.  

When I pull MeO from the shortcut menu (ugh), I can place one copy of it on the canvas, but then it disappears.  I should not have to go back to the menu to get a second instance of it.

Marvin is not adjusting the position of the shortcut group according to the bond leading to it.

I cannot click-hold-drag on an existing atom to add a bond and a shortcut group to it.

Using Safari 6.0.5 on MacOS 10.7.5, Marvin 4JS 6.0.1.