IJC 5.12 release cycle

ChemAxon e189db4705

12-09-2012 11:45:21


The attached spreadsheet describes the possible features that can be worked on during the 5.12 release cycle. The exact features that are chosen to be worked on will depend on prioritisation by customers.

The feature list is pretty similar to 5.11 list. Only changes are:

The 5.12 release cycle is expected to start next week.


User 9aa4619393

14-09-2012 08:13:38

Hi Petr,

could you please add estimate+points for the following item:

33 Scripting Switch to Netbeans groovy editor as script editor Improved editor for writing scripts

Many thanks,


ChemAxon e189db4705

14-09-2012 08:37:00

Hi Anna,

this task was a little difficult to estimate as we need to do more analysis. The rough estimate is that it has about 30-35 points (something like LM). Possibly we can split it into subtasks like code completion, in place highlighting of errors in code, etc.. If you would like to prioritize this issue we can discuss what is most important part for you. Feel free to write comments to the spreadsheet.

Thank you,


User 9aa4619393

14-09-2012 09:31:31

Thanks Petr

I actually would like to prioritize this. Code completion, synthax and error highlighting would be very useful.



User 505a5f883b

10-10-2012 08:46:56

Hi Petr,

To help with todays discussion, could you post a copy of the spreadsheet that includes that we have individually supplied?



ChemAxon e189db4705

10-10-2012 09:16:50

Hi Dana,

I was just writing the post with this spreadsheet when you asked. It's here: https://www.chemaxon.com/forum/viewpost44845.html#44845



ChemAxon e189db4705

27-12-2012 16:40:14

Hi all,

we are close to finishing IJC 5.12 release. It's expected in the first half of January, together with other ChemAxon products.

There are two attachments in this post:

  1. IJC 5.12 product backlog - finished tasks in 5.12 - this spreadsheet contains list of features which will be in the release. It almost corresponds to list of features which we planned (posted here two months ago).

  2. Release notes 5.12 alpha4 - these are more detail information about the first public build of 5.12. We created this about two weeks ago. The version can be downloaded from this location. Important: Please read attached release notes before trying it.

I'm going to send a new list of planned features for your prioritization for next release (it will be IJC 6.0).

