IJC 5.11 report

ChemAxon e189db4705

12-09-2012 11:29:54


The attached spreadsheet describes the key activities during the IJC 5.11 development cycle. 

The key focus was again on performance - both in schema init performance (the time it takes to connect to a database) and in browse mode performance (in this area there was some investigation during 5.11 cycle, following implementation is planned for 5.12).

The main user related features completed during 5.11 are:

  1. Displaying of partial query results while query is still running. No modal dialog anymore and no need to wait till query finishes

  2. New Tree Table widget (also known as Outline widget) - new widget allowing grouping rows according to values of one or more fields - experimental feature

  3. Scripting - custom handling of double click action in most of widgets (more planned for next release)

  4. Improvements related to interoperability with MS Office (copy formatted values from IJC to Office and export molecules in JChem for Excel format)

  5. R-group table improvements