ChemAxon fa971619eb
20-05-2012 15:47:30
The attached spreadsheet describes the possible features that can be worked on during the 5.11 release cycle. The exact features that are chosen to be worked on will depend on prioritisation by customers.
The feature list is mostly unchanged from the 5.10 list. We are deliberately trying to avoid adding new things to the list at this stage as the list is already rather lengthy! Compared to the 5.10 list this list has had:
- features completed during 5.10 removed
- features partially completed in 5.10 redefined where appropriate
- large 'mega features' broken down into smaller sub-features where possible
- IJC server and web client related tasks removed as they are now being handed in a separate 'IJC server' product backlog
The order of the features in the sheet is mostly inherited from the 5.10 sheet, but should not be considered as significant.
As mentioned, there is now a separate IJC server product backlog, and we are moving towards the situation where there is a separate team working on IJC server. Currently capacity for IJC server development is very limited, but we are recruiting to address this. At this stage the IJC server product backlog is not ready for external review.
The 5.11 release cycle is expected to start around the beginning of June.