Get the stoichiometry of a fragment

User dfeb81947d

11-09-2012 15:23:50

Dear Support,

Using Jchem API how can I get the stochiometry of a fragment (salt or solvant) which is contained in JChem API's Molecule object?

I didn't find a method that access this property. For now I'm expanding fragments using Standardizer and counting all same frags, but since I found a way to draw it in Marvin Sketch (C F) I thought there should be an accessor for this data?

Please see attached file for an example


Thank you very much for your help.

Warm regards,


ChemAxon a3d59b832c

11-09-2012 15:55:57

Hi Jacques,

I have moved your question to the Structure representation forum. My colleagues will answer soon.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

12-09-2012 12:49:49

Hi Jacques,

How did you generate this file?

What I see is that you have a Data Sgroup which name "C F" and value 3. If I were you I would use "stoichiometry" as a name. This "C   F" is just strange fro me.

Anyway, you can get this data value with the following calls:

public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
    MolImporter mi = new MolImporter("salt_with_stoichiometry_example.mol");
    Molecule mol =;
    DataSgroup[] dataSg = getDataSgroups(mol, "C    F");
    for (DataSgroup data : dataSg){
        int stoichometry = Integer.parseInt(data.getData());

static DataSgroup[] getDataSgroups(Molecule mol, String name){
    Sgroup[] sg = mol.getSgroupArray();
    ArrayList<DataSgroup> datasgroups = new ArrayList<DataSgroup>();
    for (Sgroup sgroup : sg) {
        if (sgroup instanceof DataSgroup){
        DataSgroup dsg = (DataSgroup) sgroup;
        if (name.equals(dsg.getFieldName())){
    DataSgroup[] datasgreturn = new DataSgroup[datasgroups.size()];
    return datasgroups.toArray(datasgreturn);

I hope this helps

User dfeb81947d

13-09-2012 08:49:27

Dear volfi,


Thank you very much, I got that file from an sdf that was given to me for analysis. I opened it with Marvin and export the structure to mofile. Actually the original molfile in SDFile is the same with the export.

I also think that this SGroup should be renamed "stoichiometry", but I don't have access to that field.


Thank you very much for the method, that is exactly what I was looking for.


Thank you so far


Kind Regards,


ChemAxon d26931946c

19-09-2012 10:54:25

Dear Jacques,

Please see my answer here.




User dfeb81947d

19-09-2012 12:22:10

Thank you very much, I thought I deleted this post to create a new one more precise, with example and more details.

But thank you very much it answers my questions.

Kind regards
