User 729ea99e99
12-04-2012 10:55:25
I haven't found the information about my problem :
I would like to represent several peptides and when I add amino acids with the template library, it just adds the trhee letter code of each amino acid, but I want to have the chemical structure to change some bound and so on...
Is anyone konws how to get the structure of amino acids ?
(I can get the structure of nucleix bases but not amino acids).
Thanks a lot,
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
12-04-2012 21:01:06
Press the shift button which expands the given amino acid sgroup structure.
On the other hand I would suggest to build your peptid from 3 letter codes and expand/modify later. I think you can build peptides much faster using this way. Just select the template which you want to use, left click to an atom (or amino acid group) on the canvas you would like to attach to, but while the mouse button is pressed move the mouse away from the given atom. Your template is attached to the given atom (or amino acid group).