User b8fd1c3fa6
04-03-2012 16:16:16
I have a problem when I draw structures and add groups. The group addapts some automatic orientation that I cannot change. Is there an option to change the orientation of the group (flush left/right as in chemdraw)? Specifically, in the attached example, I would like the COOMe group to point to the right, so it does not overlap with the neighboring Me group. (I have MarvinSketch 5.8.3)
ChemAxon f052bdfe3c
07-03-2012 20:15:43
Dear Matthew,
Currently is not easy to change the oriantetion of the group, however, it can be done:
1. Step : Select the group on canvas
2. right click > add to my templates
3. a small icon signing the template will appear at the bottom of the canvas next to the different ring templates
4. Right click on the template > Properties
5. Flip abbreviation to avoid text overlapping on canvas. In this case : COOMe
6. Substitute the new template for the original one.
Best Regards,
Efi Hoffmann