User da00f5c453
24-01-2012 22:33:30
Hi all,
I am running molconvert smiles:u to generate unique/canonical smiles and observed that 2 of the structures in my input file which are identical are represented with 2 different smiles strings, the difference is highlighted in red
I am using JChem 5.8.0, with Java 1.6.0_29 on Mac OX
ChemAxon e500b51457
25-01-2012 21:28:01
Dear Oleg,
Could you send us your original input file which contains the identical structures please?
User da00f5c453
25-01-2012 21:52:36
Hi Erika,
I attached original SDF file, I then converted to unique/canonical smiles using:
molconvert smiles:u c1.sdf -o c1.smi -T MOLREGNO
The duplicate structures have MOLREGNO 10000486 and 392308, chemical depiction in Marvin shows these as identical where is the smiles strings are not.
ChemAxon 25dcd765a3
30-01-2012 13:24:34
Dear Oleg,
Thank you for the report. This is definitely a bug we will fix it ASAP.