User 779e37e0e6
22-11-2016 19:49:57
Hi all,
I am using MolImporter to parse a SDF file.
molimport =
while !molimport.isEndReached
mol =
props = (0..(mol.getPropertyCount - 1)){|i| mol.getPropertyKey(i)}
I have a few questions:
Given the molecule mol (as declared earlier)
- How can I print the connection table and atom listing (as displayed in the original SDF format).
- How can I find the title of the molecule? Meaning the name that appears at the very begining of the structure representation in the SDF file.
I would like to get these information even when the molecule is not valid.
PS: attached is an SDF file. (The 5th molecule is invalid).
Thank you very much.