User 870ab5b546
20-01-2016 19:26:07
We use inline URIs to generate molecule images. The user has the option to specify SVG or PNG. The generation of the PNG URI has broken. The code for generating the URI:
public static String getImage(boolean prefersPNG, String molStr,
long qFlags) {
final String SELF = "MolString.getImage: ";
String imageData = "";
final String format = (prefersPNG ? PNG : SVG);
if (!Utils.isEmpty(molStr)) try {
debugPrint(SELF + "molStr:\n", molStr);
final boolean isLewis = molStr.contains("Lewis ");
final Molecule mol = MolImporter.importMol(molStr);
final int[] dims = getBestAppletSize(mol, isLewis);
final String opts =
getImageOpts(format, dims, qFlags, isLewis);
MDocument mDoc = mol.getDocument();
if (mDoc == null) mDoc = new MDocument(mol);
imageData = (prefersPNG
? Utils.toString("<img src=\"data:image/", PNG, ";base64,",
Base64Coder.encode(toBinFormat(mDoc, opts)), "\" />")
: Utils.bytesToString(toBinFormat(mDoc, opts))
.replaceAll("\"clipPath1\"", "\"clipPath2\""));
debugPrint(SELF + "generated image src URI with options ", opts,
"; isLewis = ", isLewis);
debugPrintMRV(SELF + "image data:\n", imageData);
} catch (MolFormatException e) {
Utils.alwaysPrint(SELF + "caught MolFormatException converting "
+ "to format ", format, " on:\n", molStr);
} // try
return imageData;
} // getImage(boolean, String, long)
public static byte[] toBinFormat(MDocument mDoc, String format) {
try {
return MolExporter.exportToBinFormat(mDoc, format);
} catch (IOException e) {
// do nothing
return new byte[0];
} // toBinFormat(MDocument, String)
Example of log output:
INFO: MolString.getImage: molStr:
<?xml version="1.0" ?>
<MRectangle id="o1">
<MPoint x="-7.349999904632568" y="3.616666555404663" />
<MPoint x="-1.8083332777023315" y="3.616666555404663" />
<MPoint x="-1.8083332777023315" y="-2.0999999046325684" />
<MPoint x="-7.349999904632568" y="-2.0999999046325684" />
<molecule molID="m1">
atomID="a1 a2 a3 a4 a5 a6"
elementType="C C C C C O"
x2="-5.737573810170493 -5.261760476837159 -3.721573810170492 -3.245760476837159 -4.491760476837158 -4.491760476837158"
y2="0.2399016678587596 -1.2244983321412406 -1.2244983321412406 0.2399016678587596 1.145235001192093 2.685235001192093"
<bond atomRefs2="a5 a1" order="1" />
<bond atomRefs2="a5 a4" order="1" />
<bond atomRefs2="a1 a2" order="1" />
<bond atomRefs2="a2 a3" order="1" />
<bond atomRefs2="a3 a4" order="1" />
<bond atomRefs2="a5 a6" order="2" />
<MRectangle id="o3">
<MPoint x="1.0762502551078796" y="3.616666555404663" />
<MPoint x="6.6179168820381165" y="3.616666555404663" />
<MPoint x="6.6179168820381165" y="-2.0999999046325684" />
<MPoint x="1.0762502551078796" y="-2.0999999046325684" />
<MPolyline id="o4" headLength="0.8" headWidth="0.5" tailFlags="1"
tailLength="0.8" tailWidth="0.5">
<MPoint x="-1.8083332777023315" y="0.7583333253860474" />
<MRectanglePoint pos="7" rectRef="o3" />
MolString.getBestAppletSize: scaling down to scale 16.501650165016503
MolString.getImage: generated image src URI with options png:w250,h113,valenceErrorVisible,H_heteroterm,cv_inChain,lp; isLewis = false
MolString.getImage: image data:
<img src="data:image/png;base64,[C@110fbe9" />
The SVG URIs are generated just fine. Do you have any ideas? I'm wondering if one of the options is no longer compatible with the PNG generation. We're using JChem/Marvin 15.11.23.