User 02967e48ce
09-03-2015 15:24:08
I've noticed some unexpected behaviour with charge handling from SMILES (could be true of other formats). These molecules are bizarre and corner cases but wanted to let you know of the perhaps unexpected handling in ChemAxon tools.
CCCC[n+251]1cccc(c1)C 24639292
is loaded in Marvin Sketch (15.3.2) as
[CH-]1[CH-][CH-][CH-][CH-]1.[CH-]1[CH-][CH-][CH-][CH-]1.[Co+10] 717961
is interpreted as a query or markush structure by the cartridge (15.1.12):
sql> create table jc_tmp (smi clob);
sql> insert into jc_tmp (smi) values ('c1ccccc1');
-- okay (obviously)
sql> create index jctmpidx on jc_tmp (smi) indextype is jc_idxtype;
sql> insert into jc_tmp (smi) values ('[CH]1[CH][CH][CH][CH]1.[Co+10]');
-- okay
sql> insert into jc_tmp (smi) values ('[CH-]1[CH][CH][CH][CH]1.[Co+10]');
-- not-okay "Inserting a query or Markush structure is not allowed for table"
sql> insert into jc_tmp (smi) values ('[CH-]1[CH][CH][CH][CH]1');
-- okay
sql> insert into jc_tmp (smi) values ('[CH-]1[CH-][CH-][CH-][CH-]1');
-- okay
sql> insert into jc_tmp (smi) values ('[CH-]1[CH-][CH-][CH-][CH-]1.[Co+10]');
-- not-okay "Inserting a query or Markush structure is not allowed for table"