Export to Inchi issues

User 0cd5667845

28-08-2014 22:50:14


I am running a piece of code on Mac, which runs fine on Windows and Linux. I get the following issue running the below snippet in java, and it throws the following exception:

MolExporter.exportToFormat(myMolecule, "inchi");

chemaxon.marvin.io.MolExportException: Native library is not initialized.

I found this other thread on the forum (https://www.chemaxon.com/forum/ftopic10840.html) which indicated that there are supposed to be some additional libraries called libinchi.jnilib, which need renaming. However this file does not exist in my install. I have installed the MarvinBeans only. Can you please tell me how to get this library, and where to put it, so that I can run exports to Inchi?

Thank you!

Some details:
Mac OSX 10.9.3
Java jdk1.7.0_67

ChemAxon e49cf225c6

29-08-2014 11:57:19



There are 2 solutions to this. The bug was fixed in Marvin 14.7.21, so if you can update to any version after that one. This is the easier solution.


If you can't update however, then you need to rename the mentioned file. It is inside the inchi-native-macosx-1.3.jar file  which you can find in your MarvinBeans installation directory at ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/lib/


If it is troublesome, you could download the latest non-installer version of MarvinBeans (http://www.chemaxon.com/download.php?d=/data/download/marvin/, and copy and overwrite this single jar file to your installation. 

User 0cd5667845

29-08-2014 16:51:07

Hi, thanks for your quick response.

However I already have a newer version of Marvin; I'm running 14.8.18. I also looked inside the jar file you mentioned, which was a slightly newer version on my machine, "inchi-native-macosx-1.3.1.jar". It contained both "libinchi.dylib" and "libinchi.jnilib" already. So it seems like my jar is already up-to-date. Could there be another issue here?



dzatonyi wrote:



There are 2 solutions to this. The bug was fixed in Marvin 14.7.21, so if you can update to any version after that one. This is the easier solution.


If you can't update however, then you need to rename the mentioned file. It is inside the inchi-native-macosx-1.3.jar file  which you can find in your MarvinBeans installation directory at ChemAxon/MarvinBeans/lib/


If it is troublesome, you could download the latest non-installer version of MarvinBeans (http://www.chemaxon.com/download.php?d=/data/download/marvin/, and copy and overwrite this single jar file to your installation. 

User 0cd5667845

29-08-2014 22:41:27


I fixed the problem. Our code was looking at a different version of Marvin on my machine, specifically an earlier version. Copying over the inchi-native-macosx-1.3.1.jar from my newer install solved the problem.

Thank you!