
User 870ab5b546

01-07-2014 01:27:30

In previous versions of MarvinSketch, in order to represent Br(+), I had to make it a divalent radical; otherwise, Marvin would add two implicit H atoms to the Br atom. Now, when I draw Br and add a +1 charge, MarvinSketch 6.2.1 and 6.3.1 don't add the two H atoms, but they do underline the Br atom in red as if it has an invalid valence, even when I add a divalent radical flag to it. My first problem is, I don't understand why a valence error is being flagged when there is no valence error.

My second problem is that this change in behavior is causing me very serious trouble. A student drew a part of a mechanism as shown below. She did not add a divalent radical flag to the Br(+) atom, because MarvinSketch did not add the two implicit H atoms that it used to do. When ACE calculated the products of the electron-flow arrows in the first mechanistic step, ACE added a divalent radical flag to the calculated Br(+) product. Then, when it compared what it calculated with what the student drew, it failed to match its own Br(+) atom to the student's, because they differed in the presence of the divalent radical flag. 

Only halogen(+) ions are now being made electron-deficient; a N or O with a +1 charge assumes an extra implicit H.

The only way for me to solve this problem myself is to rewrite my electron-flow calculator algorithm to treat halogen(+) differently from other elements. I'd rather not add that complication, and I'd rather you restore the previous behavior. I don't understand why you changed the behavior; I don't see any advantages to the new behavior.

User 870ab5b546

01-07-2014 01:51:25

Also the superscripting formatting on this forum sucks.

User 870ab5b546

02-07-2014 18:05:47

Here are examples of what I'm talking about. When I put a +1 charge on a heteroatom like N, O, or S, Marvin simply adds one more implicit H atom. However, when I put a +1 charge on a halogen, the atom goes to six electrons, and MarvinSketch incorrectly flags a valence error. When I add a divalent radical flag to the H2O(+) ion, MarvinSketch correctly reduces the implicit H count by 2, and no valence error is flagged. However, when I add a divalent radical flag to the halogen(+) ion, MarvinSketch continues to incorrectly flag a valence error. Finally, the only way I can generate H2Br(+) is by drawing out the H atoms explicitly.

User 870ab5b546

07-07-2014 17:36:33

No response?

ChemAxon 2cd598e7ad

09-07-2014 13:33:25


We will fix this issue in the near future.


User 870ab5b546

11-07-2014 14:01:51

Good to hear. Just to be clear, there are two problems to fix. First, if I put a Br (or any other halogen) on the canvas and then add a +1 charge, it should appear (and be interpreted) as H2Br+, with a full octet. Second, if I add a divalent radical flag to the Br atom in H2Br+ to make it into Br+ with only a sextet of electrons, Marvin should not say it has a valence error. 

ChemAxon d26931946c

14-07-2014 07:36:06

Hi Bob,


Thanks for the clarification.

The fix is ready and it will be available in this week's release.



User 870ab5b546

17-07-2014 13:51:49

Which release will that be exactly?

ChemAxon d26931946c

17-07-2014 15:39:51

It's in 14.7.14.

You can try it online here.


