User e6dac1475d
15-01-2014 14:56:01
Dear Chemaxon team,
I am using the Java API v6.1.3 and I would
like to perform a general validation of a structure contained in a molfile, programmatically, i.e. not with a GUI or a command line tool.
Question 1:
Would you recommend to read the molfile into a Molecule and then perform a structure checker on the Molecule? Or is there another way to validate the file before creating a java Molecule instance?
Question 2:
In the Javadoc, I saw the StructureChecker interface, check(Molecule molecule) method, but the implementations are too complex for my purpose: I can see only the specific structure checkers (AtomChecker, MoleculeChargeChecker, etc..), but I don't want to call each of them explicitly. Basically, I only would like to have a simple check result of type boolean true/false (=molfile structure ok or not). Is there a java class that is able to perform all the structure checks with a single method call? Something like XXGeneralStructureChecker.checkValid(molfile or Molecule) returning true/false?
I am aware of the existence of the standalone/command-line StructureCheck and the StructureChecker GUI, but I would prefer to use the API directly in my context.
Thanks for your support,
(int. ref. MET-123)