PDF export problem exportToBinFormat

User 956e0ca334

15-10-2013 09:32:54

Hi there,

I'm afraid I have another problem regarding exporting using exportToBinFormat.  This was working before I did the upgrade to the Marvin/Jchem 6.1 .          

String pdfformatString = "pdf:w200,h200, transbg,"
                    + "atsiz0.3000000000000001,"
                    + "atomFont:SansSerif,"
                    + "bondw0.125,"
                    + "wireThickness0.045,"
                    + "stickThickness0.07,"
                    + "ballRadius0.35,"
                    + "H_hetero,"
                    + "anybond_solid,"
                    + "cv_inChain,"
                    + "#ffffff,"
                    + "ligandOrderVisibility_withDef,"
                    + "mono,"
                    + "aprop,"
                    + "downwedge_mdl,"
                    + "coordBondStyle_solid,"
                    + "coordBondStyleAtMulticenter_solid,"
                    + "chargeWithCircle,"
                    + "wireframe";


       byte[] moldataPDF = MolExporter.exportToBinFormat(doc, pdfformatString);

This is now give an error:

Image width (w) argument is missing

Even though it is specified.  Do widths now have to be specified differently for PDFs?  I have checked I seem to have all the correct jar for the new version.


Thanks for all help,


ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

06-11-2013 18:05:16

Hi Megan,

I am truly sorry for the late reply on this issue, I have missed this topic but I was the one who had to answer it. My colleagues just notified me about this issue yesterday again, please find my answer below.

I have evaluated what is happening here, and this is indeed a bug, which is caused by a development released in 6.1.0 and the issue is still exsits in 6.2 which is about to be released in the next few weeks.

Can you give me some details about the context where you want to export pdf files in this way, and I may be able to find a workaround for you that suits for the context also. If you are not comfortable with sharing these details on the forum, you can write me in e-mail.

Currently I can not really tell you which future version can contain the fix, can you give me some clue about the importance of the fix for you?

Thank you for your patience and best regards

User 956e0ca334

08-11-2013 14:41:00


In fact I was using PDF as a step to convert our mols to eps vector images ( the format that we really need but you don't support) ready for print.  I have found a way around this now using ghostscript to convert.  If you could ever suppor EPS that would be really useful.




ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

08-11-2013 23:57:33

Hi Megan,

that is good to hear, and moreover I have only good news for you on this issue then, since Marvin 6.2 will include the EPS export functionality. It will be released in the near future. I would say a few weeks, but currently we do not have an exact date for the release, since we have just started the release stabilization process this week.
