User 870ab5b546
09-09-2013 21:58:50
Trying to reduce the use of applets in our code by replacing MarvinView with images generated on the back end. Using Marvin/JChem 5.11.5. The code:
public static void writeMolImage(String molStr, String fileName, long flags) {
final String SELF = "MolString.writeMolImage: ";
try {
final File outFile = new File(AppConfig.appRoot + '/' + fileName);
if (outFile.exists()) return;
final FileOutputStream outStream = new FileOutputStream(outFile);
final StringBuilder optsBld = new StringBuilder();
final Molecule mol = MolImporter.importMol(molStr);
final boolean isLewis = molStr.contains("Lewis ");
final int[] dims = getBestAppletSize(mol, isLewis);
Question.showNoHydrogens(flags) ? "off"
: Question.showHeteroHydrogens(flags) ? "hetero"
: Question.showAllHydrogens(flags) ? "all"
: "heteroterm");
? "on" : "inChain");
if (Question.showLonePairs(flags)) optsBld.append(",lp");
if (Question.showMapping(flags)) optsBld.append(",amap");
if (Question.showRSLabels(flags)) optsBld.append(",chiral_all");
final String opts = optsBld.toString();
debugPrint(SELF + "writing to ", fileName, " with options ",
opts, ":\n", molStr);
final MolExporter exporter = new MolExporter(outStream, opts);
} catch (MolFormatException e) {
System.out.println(SELF + "caught MolFormatException: ");
} catch (MolExportException e) {
System.out.println(SELF + "caught MolExportException: ");
} catch (FileNotFoundException e) {
System.out.println(SELF + "caught FileNotFoundException: ");
} catch (IOException e) {
System.out.println(SELF + "caught IOException: ");
} // try
} // writeMolImage(String, String, int)
The log:
MolString.writeMolImage: writing to figures/5883_molImg33725.png with options png:w250,h214,valenceErrorVisible,H_off,cv_on:
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The image generated is shown. Note the weird blue boxes. (The electrons and the atom should be blue.) Pasting the same MRV into MarvinSketch 6.0.3, I see the same weird boxes. However, the MRV looks just fine when displayed in MarvinView ??