User 0742d1ce7b
01-03-2013 06:44:08
I am using a KNIME (2.7) workflow with Marvin nodes to generate an SD file that I can use to register structures to our database. I have also used JChem extension in Excel ( to generate the SD file as well. We use IDBS Activity base and Selection assistant to register structures which are on a Citrix server. Unfortunately, we do not have the Marvin suite installed on this server so the structures are rendered with ChemDraw Ultra 11.0.
When importing the SDfile into this software, it has issues dealing with the aromatic rings. The software requires the structures to appear in simple bond formats (i.e. single and double bonds). ActivityBase reads the structure and determines the aromaticity for itself. The files should be saved in a format where they contain the explicit bonds. I am having to manually correct the structures in ChemDraw. Does any one have any ideas how I can get around this issue?