User f6974a9b47
28-03-2012 17:56:46
I'm running LinuxMint and I'm using Marvin Sketch to prepare lessons for my students. I have tried to copy past structures from Marvin to LibreOffice Writer, but I don't get the structure formula, instead I get XML- text. That is very frustrating.
Could somebody help me :)
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
28-03-2012 18:19:09
I understand that it is very frustrating because you possibly want to get an image instead, right?
As you know every program copies the most precise clipboard format from the program;s point of view e.g. I do not know if you know Microsoft Word, it also copies Word decriptor XML and other formats decribing the relevant situation in the best manner onto the clipboard.
Our main format decribing our molecule is also an XML, in this way you might accept and understand this behaviour more being aware of this.
So our Marvin XML (MRV) might take the priority in the LIbreOffice as a text, I suppose this, so this is why you get this clipboard format in that program after the paste operation.
I do not know LibreOffice enough but think that it also has a Paste Special menu, which you can select from the available clipboard formats with. Possibly you will find an image format among other formats.
I am expecting bmp, jpg, emf, other pcture formats at the same time on the clipboard, please try this out and let us know if it helped or not.
User f6974a9b47
29-03-2012 05:22:50
Thank you for your help, it works when I Paste Special. the graphic is a kinde off blurry but I get the structure instead of XML-text :)
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
29-03-2012 06:22:02
Sorry, which type of image is blurry? svg, jpg, bmp? I do not know about this problem. So far nobody listed this. Cannot be imaginable that LibreOffice running under Linux is not able to render this image?
You might try to check how the images look like on WIndows, or on Mac after paste.
User f6974a9b47
29-03-2012 07:57:26
I can only past the clip as bmp.
When I'm using Windows there is no problem att all when copypasting to microsoft office or to libre office, looks very nice :)
But I'm not verry fond of windows so I rather use Linux :)
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
29-03-2012 08:41:56
Hmm, thank you, let me forward your issue to the Marvin team then. And they will investigate why vector graphical image types are not available under Linux.
Thanks for your feedback anyway!
User 25d107bd42
03-04-2012 15:08:02
having student computer pools using Linux MINT - LibreOffice - Marvin this topic here is very important for us.
The problem with Copy/Paste from Marvin to LibreOffice is:
The bitmap image coming from Marvin has only 72 ppi (pixel per inch).
But for standard printers images should have at least 300 ppi.
In the attached screenshot there is a "workaround" to improve the
formulas coming from MarvinSketch.
1) Enlarge the formulas in MarvinSketch using the button 400%.
2) Then do "Select All - Copy". The formulas can be outside the visible MarvinSketch window.
3) Then in LibreOffice use "Edit - Paste Special - Bitmap".
4) Minimize the formula image in the document two times
from 400% to 200% to 100% using the little green dots around
the activated image, see screenshots.
Now you have the original size of the formulas as drawn in
MarvinSketch but with a resolution of about 288 ppi.
This is good for printing.
BUT: This tip here should be only a "workaround".
The next version MarvinSketch should produce bitmaps in the clipboard
with better resolution, e.g. 300 ppi.
As a programmer I would use the algorithm of the 400% button.
We need to have an easier way for the cooperation of Marvin and LibreOffice.
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
User f6974a9b47
03-04-2012 19:16:26
Thank you so much for your help, I have tried itt and I get a much better result. I can tell you that Marvin Sketch is working much better and faster under LinuxMint compared with Windows the only problem was the copy/paste thing, but now it's solved
I look forward to the next version
Maybe in the future MarvinSketch will work like OLE-objekt with LibreOffice under Linux
Thanks Hans-Ulrich
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
06-04-2012 01:24:18
first of all, thank you for your great and useful comment Hans-Ulrich.
I am glad that the proposed solution gives acceptable result, but I would like to say thank you also for the report, and I would like to inform you that I have filed an issue into our issue tracker on this. I will check wheter the used javax.imageio libraries have support for bigger resolution, if there is a solution, then I will apply it to the current code in one of the upcoming releases.
User 25d107bd42
06-04-2012 13:16:10
Hi, it works also using the (signed!) MarvinSketch Applet:
The scaling menu is missing in the applet, but you may use "View - Zoom - 400%" and the large formulas outside the visual window are also in the clipboard and can be pasted as bitmap in LibreOffice.
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 25d107bd42
06-04-2012 18:45:06
why is it not possible to see the images of a topic without registration and logging in ?
I think especially the images are important here and all visitors of the chemaxon forum should see the hints.
Especially visitors using the applets without downloading the software should have the possibilty to see the attached images.
Regards, Hans-Ulrich
ChemAxon b124dd5f17
07-04-2012 10:47:36
You should be able to see all this without being logged in. I changed some parameters which should solve it. Let me know if this isn't working. Alexa
User 25d107bd42
11-04-2012 18:05:56
Hi Alex,
yes it works now with this post, but not with other posts, e.g.
There I must login to see the images. But without these attached images, the topic is unreadable.
Is it possible for you to transfer the last three posts here to a new topic ? If have just inserted a new title.
Best regards, Hans-Ulrich
User 25a5055630
29-09-2012 20:31:05
Hi there,
I know this is closed for a while but I must say that this topic solved my problems also.
Moreover, I love the way you get progress on that.
So, many many thanks for a so active community.
ChemAxon 5433b8e56b
02-10-2012 13:46:23
Hi Arturo,
I would like to thank you for your kind words, we are glad to read them.