User 052ffc4384
03-02-2014 23:34:36
I am a great fun of Marvin Suite. I must say that it is the best (!) chemical drawing software I have ever used...
Sadly, the only the problem I faced with Marvin is the lack of the "round-trip editing" in OpenOffice. Is there going to be a solution to the problem in a near future?
What I have seen while I have been reading Linux and open source related software forums was; there is a urgent need for a round-trip enabled, office embedded chemical drawing software for Linux/openoffice users. Although, a commercially available solution to the problem has lately arrived to Linux and openoffice, it is impossible to get the same satisfaction from that product as I get from Marvin...
Please support Linux/openoffice users in this issue. Once this problem is solved, I believe that Marvin Sketch would be the no.1 chemical drawing software for Linux users...
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
04-02-2014 09:23:41
User 052ffc4384
04-02-2014 10:15:47
hamoriviktor wrote: |
we support Microsoft Office => later
on O365 will be supported .. Since it is browser based I think other
oeprating system users can also enjoy it. Would it work for you?
I am aware of Jchem. It is a great solution to the problem: as long as I use MS office...
However, my question is, why not OpenOffice? Please help Linux and OpenOffice users enjoy your great product... Please give more support for Linux and OpenOffice (or LibreOffice or any other open source based office product). It is very disappointing for me that I need to switch to windows and MS office to use this functionality...
I could understand that the small number of Linux users are discouraging for ChemAxon to take a step to solve this problem. However, as I said in my previous post, the idea of being the no.1 chemical drawing software for Linux users could be the motivation for you...
Otherwise, I , as a single ChemAxon lover and a great fan of open source products, will constantly try to motivate you by means of constantly sending a message to this forum: till you agree to take an action
ChemAxon bd13b5bd77
04-02-2014 19:24:54
Thank you for the positive words,
I think Open Office does not provide so serious interface for the integration than Ms Office does.
We would like to open new development areas like web based Office integration.
User 052ffc4384
07-02-2014 10:17:31