No transparency of MarvinSketch images in Linux LibreOffice

User 5e2ae2d12c

11-03-2013 05:04:34

(MarvinSketch 5.11.5, CentOS-6.3-x86_64, LibreOffice 3.4.5-Impress application, running in VMware Player virtual machine)

Copy-and-paste of MarvinSketch objects works well and has good resolution. However, the objects, which are pasted as bitmaps, remain opaque in spite of any kind of manipulations with "transparency" in LibreOffice tools. (I also am using MarvinSketch 5.11.5 on a Win 7 system, and the pasted MarvinSketch objects in MS Office are indeed transparent on that system.)

Have others also found this to be true? Anybody know about a workaround?

ChemAxon 5433b8e56b

13-03-2013 10:49:07


the problem is that, on Linux the LibreOffice uses bitmap images for clipboard communication, at least when we have last time tested it. In a bitmap image, the transparency is not working.

On Windows, it uses the emf format, that supports transparency, that is why on Windows it is working fine.

We are not aware of any technic to transfer a transparent image to LibreOffice on Linux systems, I can suggest a workaround, you can save the image in png format, and insert the image into the document, instead of copy and pasting it.

I hope this helps to make the situation clear. If you are aware of any software that can transfer transparent images into LibreOffice in a Linux environment, then please inform us, and we can check whether we can change the workflow, and support transparent image transfer to LibreOffice from Marvin in Linux systems also.


User 5e2ae2d12c

17-03-2013 08:12:44

Thank you, Istvan. That works! I also used GIMP to crop the .png and adjust the transparency. 
John Keller