Welcome to the forum for teaching resources

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-06-2011 13:15:55

Welcome to the forum for teaching resources for lecturers and school teachers.

This forum is an area for academic teachers to share resources and courses which are based on publically available software that is provided freely for academic teaching, such as ChemAxon's Academic Package (more info and signup).

Contributors: Please upload or link to your course works here. Do add multiple materials to a single forum post. Your materials should be based on ChemAxon (and other freely provided software) funcitonality. Please provide a title and short description of the course, perhaps some context. By uploading here you agree that you have the rights to distribute the materials.

Lecturers and teachers: These courses are provided as a on an "as seen" basis and we take no responsibility for the content or accuracy of these materials.

Hope this is useful for everyone/Alex

User 5c48d4e3b9

06-06-2011 14:45:03

I tried to upload an Open Office Document but it doesn't seem to work, at least I can't see the attachment to my post.

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-06-2011 15:36:03


Sorry for the fail there, can you tell me what the file format is - the letters behind the "." - we need to enable the forum to accept each file type


User e37333a705

06-06-2011 16:59:42

I used MarvinSketch to create a number of amino acid and peptide images. I was using them to teach about the relationship of charge and pH in weak acids and bases.  

If people think these are useful, I can post a lot more. I can also post Powerpoint files where I used MarvinSketch structures to ask questions for in-class iClicker quizzes.

Paul Craig
Rochester Institute of Technology
Rochester NY  USA  14623
paul.craig at rit.edu