User 3d9c3fd7f7
04-04-2012 21:10:54
I am trying to code a KNIME node that generates optional MRV output (I presume the type would be "MrvCell.TYPE").
Is there any publicly available sample code for such a node (e.g., MolConverter code)?
Also, how can I get the necessary packages with MrvCell definitions etc. for Eclipse development?
Thanks in advance,
User 5458277630
05-04-2012 00:34:19
Hi Christian,
If you would like to use the MrvCell in KNIME, you have to install the Marvin Extensions into your Eclipse.
The Marvin Extensions can be downloaded from
Then, you can generate the MrvCell by the following method.
public static DataCell mol)
public static DataCell mol)
In case of String argument, the String must represent Mrv format.
Also, you can use the MrvCellFactory.TYPE to determine the DataType of a DataCell.
The MrvCell automatically clears their properties to reduce their data usage.
Instead, I always extract their properties to other columns before generating MrvCell.
User 3d9c3fd7f7
05-04-2012 01:18:03
Hi Taka,
thanks for the quick reply.
I had already installed the Marvin Extensions but I cannot see any package that starts with "jp...".
I have installed "ChemAxon/Infocom Marvin Extensions Feature" (version 2.5.1.v0129). Is there anything else I need to install? Do you know what the Jar name is that should show up in the dependencies?
User 5458277630
05-04-2012 02:08:26
Hi Christian,
I am sorry for my poor explanation.
You have to add "" plugin into "Required Plug-ins" on "Dependencies".
Also, if you would like to use ChemAxon libraries, add "" plugin as well.
User 3d9c3fd7f7
05-04-2012 04:44:02
Hi Taka,
I'm sorry, I am not sure I am following. I am using Eclipse SDK 3.6.1 (that came with Knime). Are you suggesting to add some jar file to the dependencies of the project? Where do I find "Required Plug-ins"? When I right-click on "Plug-in Dependencies" in my project, I can only import/export jars...
Thanks for helping,
User 5458277630
05-04-2012 05:08:40
User 3d9c3fd7f7
05-04-2012 18:47:47
Hi Taka,
after adding both and to the plug-in dependencies, it worked.
Thanks a lot for your help. Much appreciated.