Academic Lisence and JChem Extensions

User 1357fb3abb

27-04-2015 09:14:34

Hi, I have an Academic Lisence and I currently have a Evaluation Lisence from Infocom for the JChem Extensions. I previously tried to use my Academic Lisence to install the JChem extensions in Knime but was unable to which is why I went via Infocom. However, my Evaluation Lisence is due to expire and I still need the use of the pKa node in particular.

Does the Academic Lisence enable this? If so, please could instructions be provided as to how to correctly install the JChem Extensions using my Academic Lisence.

Many thanks.


ChemAxon 9c0afc9aaf

28-04-2015 06:30:31


The KNIME extensions are developed by Infocom, and they are not part of the free ChemAxon Academic Package.

The extensions also have a different, separate license file, the ChemAxon license file never intended to enable the Infocom extensions.

The good news is that you might get a discount price for academic usage.

To inquire about the price please write to sales _at_ or you may also contact Infocom directly.

Best regards,
