Chat tool based on Marvin

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

02-11-2004 13:17:53

The source code of a tool for sharing structures is attached. It is similar to chat tools the users (Students) can see the structures the Teacher draws.

You can try the tool here http//

Please improve it and donate the improved code back to the forum users.

You can find resources in

User 870ab5b546

16-03-2005 20:30:56

When I pressed the OK button, I got an error:

Method Not Allowed

The requested method POST is not allowed for the URL /marvinchat/view.jsp.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

17-03-2005 14:21:19

Because of a configuration problem, this example does not work temporarily on We will fix this server problem soon.

User 870ab5b546

03-06-2005 23:51:24

I just tried your chat program, and it's neat.

Can you make it two-way? So that both users have a MarvinSketch and a MarvinView? Can you make it into a chat room, so that each user can post a MarvinView picture that others can see, and they accumulate in the Web page over time?

How about adding a text-box on the same page? Again, two-way communication or chat-room-style communication is ideal.

Can I put the JSP files on my own machine? Do they need to be in a particular directory? Do I need a particular version of Marvin for it to work?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

06-06-2005 14:24:28

Thanks for your interest.

MarvinChat is only an example application of Marvin. We do not intend to enhance it much further. But you are free to do so. (The source code is attached above.)
Can I put the JSP files on my own machine? Do they need to be in a particular directory? Do I need a particular version of Marvin for it to work?
Yes, you can copy the example to your machine.

To run the example, only MarvinChat sources and a Marvin are required.

Beside the sources of MarvinChat, you will find a README file that contains all info about installation. MarvinChat works with any Marvin Applets versions.

User 111f46f5ab

20-07-2007 16:24:20

I am trying out the MarvinChat scripts on my own PC, and I cannot get them to work properly.

Windows XP SP2

Java Platform Standard Edition version 1.6.0 build 1.6.0_01-b06

Marvin 4_1_10

I can open the login html page as "teacher" and I get a Marvin drawing window with a "Send" button beneath it. I can open another login html page as "student" and enter my "teacher name", but then I get errors:

1) An error from Internet Explorer saying "Cannot find 'file:///C:/Program%20Files/marvinchat/%3C%=%20nextpage%20%%3E'. Make sure the path or Internet address is correct."

2) An error from the JRE saying "Molfile cannot be loaded because an error occurred: java.lang.IllegalArgumentException #0 = file:/C:/Program Files/marvinchat/<%=emptymol%>

Also, the expected message "Viewer is initialized. Watching is started" is displayed.

Now, if I put a structure in the "teacher" drawing window and hit "send" I get the same IE error message in the teacher window that appeared in the student window, although the JRE error does not appear. However, the "Send" button disappears. The structure is not sent to the student window.

What is wrong here?

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

26-07-2007 12:12:52

A JSP capable web server (like Tomcat) is required for running MarvinChat.

Use examples through web server: http://hostname/pathofmarvinchat

(hostname: as you refer to host to access its web server)

In the MarvinChat's README, you can find more info about its system requirement:

User 870ab5b546

24-01-2008 22:04:02

I've made some improvements to MarvinChat, which I've uploaded here.

First, it delivers text as well as Marvin drawings. The text at the receiving end is formatted according to ACE Organic rules, so, e.g., if the sender types Bu4N^+, the recipient sees Bu4N+.

Second, it now allows two-way communication between two users. Each user may choose to act as a writer or a reader or both. It's not quite a chat room, because a reader still has to provide the username of the person whose writings he or she wants to read. But it's an improvement over the previous one-way communication. The writing and reading frames are adjacent to one another, so you can see what the other person is typing as you fashion your reply. You can even talk to yourself.

Note: You will need to change the pathway to MarvinSketch in edit.jsp and mol.jsp. Change "/nosession/marvin" (two instances in each file) to whatever is appropriate in your installation.