Abt database connection

User 4b8a3205dc

14-03-2007 06:10:24


Is it possible to run the compar or createview with a local database.?

If so how can i get the database? wat type of database is that?

Looking forward for ur reply..

i hav the demo version of the Jchem

ChemAxon efa1591b5a

14-03-2007 09:13:39


yes, it is possible to apply the compare tool for structures retrieved from a JChem database table. The JChem database can be managed on almost any kind of RDBMS, check this link for a list of systems supported http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/admin/index.html#install.

To import structures into a JChemBase table use the JChem manager http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/admin/index.html#import.

When running compr, apply the -i command line option to access the database http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/user/Compr.html#input.

The visualisation tool, createview, cannot directly be applied to the database structures. Results of compr (as well as Jarp, Ward etc) should be saved in SDFile and crview can be applied to these structure files.

Hope this helps.

