.NET Framework 3.5 SP1 required for 5.3.4

ChemAxon 0e37943a96

11-05-2010 15:19:27

Starting with version 5.3.4, .NET Framework 3.5 SP1 will be the new system requirement for using JChem .NET API.

User 2cbe95b0ac

18-02-2011 18:20:56

is this api .net dlls can be used in .net frame work ., using C# .Net  plateform  ?

User 2cbe95b0ac

18-02-2011 18:23:51

is this api .net dlls can be used for devlopment of marvinspace in .net C#  plateform ? 

can any one guide ?

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

18-02-2011 18:26:52

No, Marvin Space API is not supported at the moment.

Marvin Sketch is the main platform .NET API supports.

User 2cbe95b0ac

18-02-2011 19:59:57

bt i got mail that dlls had added for .net 

Can you give us a bit more information about the development ? What kind of application you wish to integrate Marvin Space into?
We provide .NET API for Marvin see here:
http://www.chemaxon.com/jchem/doc/dev/dotnet/api/index.html />
This is for Marvin Beans also containing Marvin Space.

so this will help me in the ap[lication .net for  marvinspace 

ChemAxon b62f37c21a

22-02-2011 14:33:46

Dear Prakash,

MarvinSpace is simply does not work in .NET.

However, you can find MarvinSpace in the .NET package, but it does not work.

It works only in the Java version.

Maybe in the future.

Best regards,

Gabor Vasko

User 2cbe95b0ac

22-02-2011 17:05:05

can any one help me in marvinspace application devlopment .., as u said that using java we can do marvinspace application ., wt  we have to do .,,can any one provide exaples of marvinsapce devlopment

ChemAxon b62f37c21a

22-02-2011 17:15:45

You can follow this link:


you will find applet and javabean examples for MarvinSpace.

Gabor Vasko

ChemAxon bd13b5bd77

16-06-2011 22:03:13

Due to some requests regarding MarvinSketchForm and its MarvinEditor control, the following changes will be made in 5.5 and 5.6: