Licence for API

User b60e1d3756

06-05-2010 14:17:11


I m more than sure this question was asked. If there are some topics I would be happy with a link.

I have an academic licence. I want to do chemical searches through java. How do I specify my licence there not to be restricted in number of searches per minute.

With the best regards,


User b60e1d3756

07-05-2010 08:11:02

I use chemaxon.license.LicenseManager.setLicenseFile(licencePath);

but still the number of searches per minute is limited...

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

07-05-2010 08:22:04

There is a limit in the license issued for academic users of 2 searches a minute.

Normaly this is not a problem for users, can I ask what you are doing and in particular why so many searches /min are required?


User b60e1d3756

07-05-2010 08:40:56


Having input databases of chemicals from different online resources I would like to see the interlinks between structurally similar compounds from different databases. I need to find correspondent compounds for each entry of each database in all other databases (similar to Overlap analysis).

I already asked how to carry out overlap analysis in API in another topic, they promised to help. While I am waiting I would like to try myself.

With the best regards,



User b60e1d3756

10-05-2010 20:10:42


Sorry to be that persistant, but what is the decision about the licence? Can it be solved? Should I write anyone? Or should I wait for the decision?

With the best wishes,


ChemAxon b124dd5f17

11-05-2010 13:36:25

Hi Albina,

This sounds like overlap analysis works, I see this is being addressed in the Instant JChem thread ( Will this not solve.

Please give more information to help me understand and do know that this is the only limitation we have in the academic package and so we tend not to move unless we must here


User b60e1d3756

11-05-2010 14:01:24

Hello Alex,

Yes, I ment exactly that topic.

Hope I understood correctly the question. So what I am going to do:

1. Download the *.sdf files into sql database tables.

2. For each structure in each table, I search for identical ones (FULL search) in each other table.

3. I get the list each entry of which contains IDs of the identical chemical compounds.

Hope this is helpful, if not, please let me know if you need more details.

With the best regards,


ChemAxon b124dd5f17

14-05-2010 13:19:32

Solved offline /Alex