adding extra users

User 9912280a1f

11-07-2006 12:07:23


I am following the latest docs on creating additional users.
1. Create an object of type JCartUserHlp as SYS for each user/role to be configured.
I ran the script jcart_user_hlp.sql for this step

2. Call the member procedure config_user as SYS to grant general (non-index-specific) privileges to the user/role.

3. Call the member procedure grants_on_jcidx as SYS to grant index-specific privileges to the user/role.
Not sure on the syntax for these calls. Could you give me an example?

I have tried

Call jcartuserhlp.config_user;



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

11-07-2006 12:21:01

Hi Paul,

The procedure called sample in the code contains an example. The code itself is also documented. It may be useful to review for examples and scenarios the following draft document:



User 9912280a1f

12-07-2006 14:42:58

I am trying to setup an extra JChem user. I have the cartridge installed into Schema A. User B has his own schema SCHEMA B and I am logged in as User B when I try and create the SYS.JCartUserHlp object. User B has execute privliges on the JCartUserHlp object and I have also created a public synonym called JCartUserHlp which points to JCartUserHlp.

When I try and run it under the context of User B, I get the error

Message "ORA-01403: no data found

ORA-06512: at "SYS.JCARTUSERHLP", line 92

ORA-06512: at line 1" String

Do you know what that means/how to remedy it? One solution might be to login as system/manager, but I cannot login to Oracle via VB.NET this way.

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

12-07-2006 14:51:56

One solution might be to login as system/manager, but I cannot login to Oracle via VB.NET this way.
Try to login as sys using sqlplus.


User 9912280a1f

13-07-2006 07:57:55

Hi Peter,

I have tried to run the sample PL/SQL when logged into SQLP*PLUS with SYSDBA privleges (as System/Manager; also tried as SYS/SYS). I have pasted the entry into SQL*PLUS along with the full error:-


  2  helper SYS.JCartUserHlp;

  3  BEGIN

  4  helper := SYS.JCartUserHlp('SchA', 'SchA.JChemProperties', 'localhost', '

8090', 'UserB', 1, 'logtbl', 0);

  5  helper.config_user();

  6  helper.grants_on_jcidx('UserB', 'SchA.JChem_Vitic_IDX1', 1, 1, 1, 1);

  7  end;

  8  /



ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01403: no data found

ORA-06512: at "SYS.JCARTUSERHLP", line 92

ORA-06512: at line 6

Any ideas?


JChem TEST_2006_06_06

Oracle 9i


ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

13-07-2006 10:48:11

Hi Paul,

The jc_idxtype index must be created first before you can use the helper.grants_on_jcidx(...) procedure.

Also, I think that the index name you specified is invalid: 'SchA.JChem_Vitic_IDX1'. The second parameter to helper.grants_on_jcidx must be the name of the index. If you created it in the 'SchA' schema, the first parameter should read 'SchA', instead of 'UserB'.



User 9912280a1f

13-07-2006 12:37:42


Thanks for your help. I have it working now with another user.

Is it possible to use the method you describe in to setup multiple users accessing tables in their own schema (which is different to the cartridge owners schema)?



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

13-07-2006 13:15:22

Is it possible to use the method you describe in to setup multiple users accessing different tables in the same table owners schema?
I believe so, yes, though I did not test specifically this kind of setup.

You need to execute grants_on_jcidx(..) repeatedly for each table (or more properly: for each jc_idxtype index).



User 9912280a1f

24-07-2006 08:49:12

Might seem like an obvious question, but does the script for setting up additional users only allow them to query against the JChem table and not edit the data?



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

24-07-2006 09:36:46

If the with_update parameter of the member procedure grants_on_jcidx is not 0 (and is not null), then the user will be able to update.



User 9912280a1f

24-07-2006 09:54:24

Thanks Peter.

I cannot get the insert to work when logged in as an additional user (JChem). The JChem tables are in a different schema (SchA). I have run the scripts to setup an additional user to access a JChem table in another schema as described in the sample you provided earlier in this topic. Here is the PL/SQL which I am executing under the JChem user:-

Declare cdidarr SchA.CD_ID_ARRAY; begin cdidarr := SchA.jc_insert(<molfile>, 'JChem_Vitic', null, 'true', 'false', null); end;

I have replaced the mofile with <molfile> for readability.

I get the error:-

ORA-29532: Java call terminated by uncaught Java exception: java.lang.ExceptionInInitializerError

ORA-06512: at "VITIC.JCHEM_TABLE_PKG", line 0

ORA-06512: at "VITIC.JC_INSERT", line 8

ORA-06512: at line 1

I had to grant execute privileges on CD_ID_ARRAY and JC_INSERT to the JChem user.

Any ideas?



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

24-07-2006 10:13:20

Please, could you post the Java stack trace from the corresponding Oracle session trace file. (The recently modified file from somewhere $ORACLE_BASE/admin/<your-db>/udump.)



User 9912280a1f

24-07-2006 10:19:58

Oracle session stack trace attached.

N.B. renamed the extension to .txt as it would not let me post a .trc file

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

24-07-2006 11:02:21

By all appearances, you did not execute the grants_on_jcobjs member procedure for this particular user. This is the procedure which grants the necessary privileges to a user on the objects in the JChem owner's schema. This procedure must be executed once for each user who will be using JChem Cartridge -- regardless of the jc_idxtype indexes they will use.




grants_on_jcidx grants the necessary privileges on index specific objects. It must executed for each user for each jc_idxtype index which they will be using: if user A is to use index X and Y, grants_on_jcidx must be executed two times for user A; if user B is to use index W, Y and Z, it must be executed three times for user B. Obviously, the index, on which grants_on_jcidx is being called, must already exist.

User 9912280a1f

24-07-2006 12:42:18

Hi Peter,

I have run the grants_on_jcobjs member function as SYS (and also the syns_for_jcobjs), and I get the same error.

Could you check the PL/SQL I executed (shown below for grants_on_jcobjs):-

SQL> declare

2 helper sys.jcartuserhlp;

3 begin

4 helper := sys.jcartuserhlp('Owner', 'Owner.JChemProperties', 'localhost', '

8090', 'JChem', 1, 'logtbl', 0);

5 helper.grants_on_jcobjs();

6 end;

7 /

There were no errors reported.



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

24-07-2006 13:53:44

Hi Paul,

Your use of grants_on_jcobjs appears correct on its own, but I am not sure why you qualify jc_insert with SchA in your other statement. I would not qualify it at all or would qualify it with Owner, like:


Or is Owner just an alias for SchA?

Although, it is probably not the source of the present problem, there is something else in your jc_insert statement which will eventually cause problem: if you stated with grants_on_jcobjs that the jchemproperties table of the user JChem will be "Owner.JChemProperties" than you should also have specified this to jc_insert like:

...Owner.jc_insert(<molfile>, 'JChem_Vitic', 'Owner.JChemProperties',...)

Currently the default jchemproperties table is always CURRENT_USER.jchemproperties (JChem.jchemproperties in the case of the user JChem) and it cannot be changed/overridden -- even though it is actually a good idea as a future enhancement in JChem Cartridge to make the default jchemproperties table configurable. (With the benefit of hindsight, it would have been more for us to use <jchem-owner's-schema>.jchemproperties as the default, but...and we can not change it now "just like that" without breaking backward compatibility.) If the jchemproperties table the JChem user will use is different from JChem.jchemproperties, then you have to specify it wherever the JChem Cartridge API accepts a jchemproperties table parameter.



User 9912280a1f

24-07-2006 14:03:58


Sorry, I decided Owner was a better descriptor than SchA.....

I have explicitly referenced all Db objects in the call to jc_insert now using the schema prefix as you recommended and it still doesn't work. I am going to re-run the scripts that setup users etc. just to make sure I didn't miss a step. Just to check (assuming that the owner has already been setup and configured) I should

1. Create new user

2. call config_user() as SYS to setup user created in 1.

3. create structure table (if not already present)

4. create index (if not already present)

5. run grants_on_jcidx for user created in 1. specifying 1 for all the options at the end (granting full permissions).

6. run grants_on_jcobjs for user created in 1.

After that calls to jc_insert should work OK?



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

24-07-2006 14:15:49


Sorry, I guess I confused you a bit... You can skip step 6., as grants_on_jcobjs is included in config_user().

Apart from that, the procedure as you described it should be OK.

Of course, the schema "Owner" should have a JChem Cartridge installation present by the time you start setup JChem Cartridge users...



User 9912280a1f

24-07-2006 14:19:00


Thanks Peter - I'll try with a fresh user and let you know how I get on.



User 9912280a1f

25-07-2006 09:49:14

Hi Peter,

I have tried this with a fresh user. I dropped all other JChem users I had created except for one I keep for testing.

I went through the following steps to setup an additional user to access the JChem table in the cartridge owners schema (please note the cartridge is installed into the owners schema; I didn't create a separate user as the owner as you did in your example).

1. run config_user against cartridge owner

2. created a new user

3. run config_user against the new user

4. created a new structure table in the cartridge owners schema

5. created an index on the cd_structure field of the JChem table.

6. run grant_on_jcidx against new user granting full permissions

At this point, when I tried to call jc_insert, I got an error saying the Cd_Id_Array type was not declared. So I granted execute permissions on this object in the cartridge owners schema to the new user and re-tried. I got the same error but for the jc_insert operator.

Next I ran grant_on_jcobjs() against the new user to setup permissions on the objects/operators etc. in the owners schema.

I still got the same error. I followed the PL/SQL from the example you provided for configuring the new user replacing the call to config_user with a call to grant_on_jcobjs.

It seems that config_user isn't calling grant_on_jcobjs and also that synonyms/perms on the operators etc. are not being setup?

FYI using Oracle 9.2 (on windows server 2003)

latest test Version TEST_2006_06_06



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

25-07-2006 11:18:52

Hi Paul,

I retested it on 9i. Works for me.

1.) I created a user called paulc

2.) Installed JChem Cartridge in the schema paulc

3.) Ran config_user against paulc.


    helper JCartUserHlp;


    helper := JCartUserHlp(













I get:
ERROR at line 1:

ORA-01471: cannot create a synonym with same name as object

ORA-06512: at "SYS.JCARTUSERHLP", line 6

ORA-06512: at "SYS.JCARTUSERHLP", line 76

ORA-06512: at "SYS.JCARTUSERHLP", line 20

ORA-06512: at line 15
which I find more or less logical. Did you get the same error?

4.) I created the jchemproperties table for paulc:

../bin/jcman.bat t --driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver --dburl 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:mydb' --login paulc --proptable jchemproperties --password tiger -s

5.) Created a user called pkovacs

6.) Ran config_user against pkovacs


    helper JCartUserHlp;


    helper := JCartUserHlp(













7.) Created a JChem-table called jctbl in the schema of paulc:

../bin/jcman.bat c jctbl --driver oracle.jdbc.OracleDriver --dburl 'jdbc:oracle:thin:@localhost:1521:mydb' --login paulc --proptable jchemproperties --password tiger -s

8.) Created and index as paulc:

create index jcxjctbl on jctbl(cd_smiles) indextype is paulc.jc_idxtype parameters('jchempropertiestable=paulc.jchemproperties');

9.) Ran grants_on_jcidx on the index for pkovacs:


    helper JCartUserHlp;


    helper := JCartUserHlp(











      'paulc', --idx_schema

      'jcxjctbl', --idx_name varchar2,

      1, --with_search boolean,

      1, --with_insert boolean,

      1, --with_update boolean,

      1  --with_delete boolean




10.) Ran a jc_insert as pkovacs on the JChem table:


  2  cdidarr paulc.cd_id_array;

  3  begin

  4  cdidarr := paulc.jc_insert('c1ccccc1', 'paulc.jctbl', 'paulc.jchemproperties', 'true', 'false', null);

  5  end;

  6  /

The insert completed successfully.

Did you do anything which was different from what I did?



User 9912280a1f

25-07-2006 11:29:35

Hi Peter,

I didn't get an error when I ran config_user against the cartridge owner.

Also, I didn't specify the JChemProperties table when I created the index.

I have been away on holiday for a week and it is possible I have got confused as to which user the cartridge is installed into. I'll drop the cartridge and re-install and follow the steps you have outlined to see if that works. I'll let you know how I get on.



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

25-07-2006 11:39:07

Hi Paul,

If you're going to repeat this exercise anyway, I suggest to delete the old records from your logtable before you start over so we have the opportunity to inspect the grant statements et al. executed this time in case the the problem persists.



User 9912280a1f

26-07-2006 09:47:50

Hi Peter,

I have uninstalled JChem and installed the latest test version.

I followed the steps you outlined except the step where you ran config_user against the cartridge owner (ITIC) as I assumed you were doing this to illustrate it is not necessary.

I get the following error when I run the jc_insert example you ran in your example as the additional user configured for access.


cdidarr ITIC.cd_id_array;


ERROR at line 2:

ORA-06550: line 2, column 9:

PLS-00201: identifier 'ITIC.CD_ID_ARRAY' must be declared

ORA-06550: line 2, column 9:

PL/SQL: Item ignored

ORA-06550: line 4, column 1:

PLS-00320: the declaration of the type of this expression is incomplete or


ORA-06550: line 4, column 1:

PL/SQL: Statement ignored

It seems as though the additional user doesn't have permissions to access the objects in the owners schema? It seems as though I am definately missing something.



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

26-07-2006 11:43:11

Hi Paul,

Could you post the list of grant/create synonyms/etc. statements from your logtable?



User 9912280a1f

26-07-2006 12:12:26

Hi Peter,

I cleared the log table before starting afresh with creating new users.

There were 81 entries in all:-

grant create synonym to Itic

call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ITIC', '', 'local

host', 'resolve' )

call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ITIC', '', 'local

host:8090', 'connect,resolve' )

grant select on Itic.jc_idx_property to Itic

grant select on Itic.JChemProperties to Itic

grant connect to Itic1

grant resource to Itic1

grant create synonym to Itic1

call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ITIC1', '', 'loca

lhost', 'resolve' )

call dbms_java.grant_permission( 'ITIC1', '', 'loca

lhost:8090', 'connect,resolve' )

grant select on Itic.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant select on Itic.JChemProperties to Itic1

grant insert on Itic.JChemProperties to Itic1

grant update on Itic.JChemProperties to Itic1

grant delete on Itic.JChemProperties to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant update on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_sq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_usq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant update on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant update on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_sq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_usq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_sq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_usq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant update on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_sq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_usq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant update on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant connect to Itic

grant resource to Itic

grant update on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_sq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_usq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.jc_idx_property to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_sq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_usq to Itic1

grant select on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant insert on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

grant delete on ITIC.JCHEMTEST_UL to Itic1

None of the statments appear to be granting perms on operators or functions which is what I would have expected given that you mentioned grant_on_jcobjs should be called as part of config_user.



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

26-07-2006 12:37:45

Hi Paul,

I am completely at my wits' end.

I attach the jcart_user_hlp.sql which I have (and you should have). Please, compare it with yours and let me know if you find any difference.

If look into the code, you can see that config_user calls grants_on_jcobjs as well as syns_for_jcobjs. The only reason for your problem I can think of is that the complex SELECTs which create SQL statements on the owner's objects mysteriously return nothing.

In order to check this, you could try, for example, to execute the following query in sqplus as sys to see what it gives:

    select 'create or replace synonym ' || user_name || '.' || a.OBJECT_NAME

            || ' for ' || a.OWNER || '.' || a.OBJECT_NAME as syn_text

        from all_objects a

        where lower(a.OWNER) = 'itic1'


Let me know what the statement returns.



User 9912280a1f

26-07-2006 12:51:31

Hi Peter,

I am confused too. Could you please re-send the jcart_user_hlp.sql as I didn't get it last time, and when I ran the SQL statement, I got ORA-00904: "USER_NAME": invalid identifier.

Am I doing something wrong? I entered it into sqlplus as sys/sys as sysdba.


ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

26-07-2006 13:29:16

Oops sorry, I forgot to attach. This time you can find it attached.
when I ran the SQL statement, I got ORA-00904: "USER_NAME": invalid identifier.
One more oops... user_name is a variable in the script (itic1). Also, the owner is itic and not itic1 -- contrary to what I wrote in my previous post. Here you have a better one:

select 'create or replace synonym itic1.'  || a.OBJECT_NAME ||' for ' || a.OWNER || '.' || a.OBJECT_NAME as syn_text from all_objects a where lower(a.OWNER) = 'itic' and a.OBJECT_TYPE in ('PACKAGE', 'FUNCTION', 'OPERATOR', 'TYPE', 'INDEXTYPE', 'PROCEDURE', 'PACKAGE BODY', 'TYPE BODY');



User 9912280a1f

26-07-2006 13:53:34

Hi Peter,

The script you sent me is identical to the one I have.

I have hit on it - the username in the select statement is always converted to lower case which means if the username contains any upper case characters it will fail. I happened to be using a username with all upper case characters (i.e. ITIC). I also have the habit of capitalizing the first character of usernames which is probably why it didn't work before either.

I'll try with a new user which has all lower case characters and see if that works (which I expect it will).

I'll let you know what happens.



ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

26-07-2006 14:13:49

I guess you just need to change the way you specify them while creating JCartUserHlp. Just specify them in lower case.

Anyway, I am going to convert user names in the script on the other side of the equations as well.



User 9912280a1f

26-07-2006 14:38:31

It is working OK now.

can insert a structure via pl/sql

Thanks for all your help.

