cxcalc for HBD and HBA

User 247a2c5018

19-10-2009 13:37:18

dear support,


To calculate HBD and HBA of structure with cxcalc , should I use the plugin donor or donorcount and acceptor or acceptor count

I try with acceptor and donor and it gives me HBD and HBA at several pH. I would lke only at pH=7.4.

ChemAxon e08c317633

21-10-2009 01:10:11


You can specify the pH lower an upper limits with "-l" or "--lower", and "-u" or "--upper" command line options.


$ cxcalc acceptor -l 7.4 -u 7.4 "CCCCN"
id acc acceptorcount accsitecount pH=7,40
1 0;0;0;0;1 1 1 0,00

moha@northtree ~
$ cxcalc donor -l 7.4 -u 7.4 "CCCCN"
id don donorcount donsitecount pH=7,40
1 0;0;0;0;2 1 2 3,00

There is also a "-H" (or "--pH") command line option for specifying one pH only, but it seems to be buggy. We will fix it.


User 247a2c5018

21-10-2009 07:29:07

Yes I remark that the option -H gives a bug

but which is the difference between donor and donorcount?


User 247a2c5018

21-10-2009 07:49:59

To have HBD at ph=7.4 could I use ?:

cxcalc donorcount -H 7.4 test.sdf ?

ChemAxon e08c317633

21-10-2009 08:23:10

TRAN-MINH wrote:

Yes I remark that the option -H gives a bug

but which is the difference between donor and donorcount?


"donor" includes four calculations, "don" (donor multiplicity of atoms), "donorcount", "donsitecount", and "msdon". The output of the "donor" calculation is a  table containing the following columns: "id", "don", "donorcount", "donsitecount" and pH-s (pH=0,00 pH=1,00 ...). In Marvin 5.3 we will change this, it will contain only "donorcount" and "donsitecount",  calculations.

"donorcount" is a "single" calculation. It calculates how many hydrogen bond donor atoms are in the molecule.




ChemAxon e08c317633

21-10-2009 08:37:48

TRAN-MINH wrote:

To have HBD at ph=7.4 could I use ?:

cxcalc donorcount -H 7.4 test.sdf ?

Yes, it's correct.


$ cxcalc donorcount -H 14 "CC(O)=O"
id donorcount
1 0

$ cxcalc donorcount -H 1 "CC(O)=O"
id donorcount
1 1

The bug I mentioned before affect only how "msdon" caclulation displays the table.
