Extraneous plus sign in reaction

User e21f251256

09-11-2009 15:27:20

Sometimes our users try to change a wedge bond by redrawing it rather than simply clicking it.  They choose a new bond type, then click on one end of the existing bond, and then click on the other end of it.  When they do this, an extraneous '+' symbol appears, usually near the reaction arrow.  See attachment for a video of this happening.  Double click on the "sketchbug.htm" file.

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

09-11-2009 20:59:45

Hi Ryan,

Would you please send us the content of the canvas in MRV format before and after adding the Up Wedge bond to the sketch?

Thank you.

Best regards,


User e21f251256

09-11-2009 22:35:24

See before.mrv and after.mrv.  This reaction was created in ChemDraw and then pasted into an MSketchPane.

ChemAxon 990acf0dec

09-11-2009 22:54:30


Thanks. It is strange, the "after.mrv" seems to be invalid (it seems to contain an empty reactant). In addition, I cannot reproduce the action on the video: I cannot change the bond type with the Up Wedge bond in hand. (I tried with 5.2.6; what is the version number of your MSketch?)

Anyway, I forward this issue to the corresponding developer, who we will answer soon.

Best regards,


ChemAxon e500b51457

10-11-2009 21:23:36

Hi Ryan,

I wasn't able to reproduce the bug on the video.
Could you send us the cdx file of the pasted structure (saved before copy), please?
Which Marvin version are you using?

Best regards,

User 750272404a

25-04-2011 02:08:42

The extraneous plus signs (approximately 10) appeared when I copied/pasted a group of molecules. 

I wasn't able to delete the plus signs or remove them by copy/paste.

ChemAxon e500b51457

25-04-2011 05:36:47


Plus signs are automatically inserted between connected components after pasting a structure to a reaction in Marvin Sketch.
To merge the components and remove the new extra + signs you can call Structure/Reaction/Merge... after selecting the components.

Best Regards,