Marvin Sketch Suggestions

User 7b0ee04e66

26-09-2008 13:31:18

We have received the following marvin suggestions from our users:

Default arrow lengths

Move up and down window with mouse wheel

Align and distribute all elements arrows text molecules etc.

Need to be able to draw curly arrows

Draw circles, ellipses

Print preview option

Paste elemental analysis calculations into sketch

If there are more than one molecule in the sketch, and Elemental Analysis is carried out, can we choose to format the view to display the results (i.e. as a grid rather than a list)


ChemAxon 990acf0dec

29-09-2008 20:50:49

Hi Catherine,

Thanks for sharing the suggestions of your users with us. Some of them are already on our feature request list, but there are a few new ones as well, which are also good ideas.

Although the planning of the next release is already finished, I will check which feature request could still be implemented in 5.2. The remaining ones will probably be solved only in 5.3.

One of your request (pasting elemental analysis into sketch) will be supported as part of inserting ChemicalTerms into sketch, and planned to be available in 5.2. Another one (print preview) is already implemented into MarvinView; I hope it can soon be implemented into MarvinSketch as well.

Best regards,
