Error: JChem repository not found

User 1033cfd7dc

27-01-2008 14:26:05

Dear Support,

I've downloaded:




and extracted to a Tomcat server's 'WEB-INF/lib' directory the following:

- every .jar from (1)

- 'solubility4applet.jar' from (2)

- 'MarvinBeans.jar' from (3)

Using the following code:



} catch (Throwable e) {




catch(Throwable nf)

outs.println("Error: JChem repository not found");



drops: 'Error: JChem repository not found'.

With JChem 3.2.6 everything is fine, it prints the exception.

Any suggestion to solve the problem?


ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

27-01-2008 15:37:07

First of all, 5.0.0beta2 was a pre-release of 5.0.0. It was only a test version. Beta2 still includes some bugs that are already fixed in the final 5.0 release.

So I recommend you to use the final release.

I have realized that download page still mentioned this beta as early access of next major release. It was misleading because currently, there is not any pre-release from the next major (5.1) version. I have removed these files from the dodwnload area to avoid further misunderstandings.

Furthermore, the solubility plugin is not released yet, officially. The solubility packages in the 5.0 release are only demos.

My colleague, Zsolt, can tell you more about the state of this project and help you if you would like to evaluate it.

ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

27-01-2008 15:59:28

About your Tomcat configuration:

You have placed too many jars into the Tomcat's shared/lib directory.

If you use JChem, you do not need the Marvin Beans package.

JChem jars include all that is required by Marvin (API or applications).

Copy only those jars into the shared/lib directory that you find in the jchem/lib directory. Please remove the MarvinBeans.jar and solubility4applet.jar from this directory. (Actually, solubility4applet.jar is built for the Marvin applets, not for the JChem API. If you really need solubility we can explain you howto configure it.)

Probably, the redundancy of jars caused the problem.

Is it solved the issue?

Next time, please post JChem configuration problem to the JChem forum.

User 1033cfd7dc

27-01-2008 17:25:15

Upgrading and removing 'MarvinBeans.jar' solved the 'JChem repository' problem, thanks.

However, I need solubility. With 5.0.0 beta2, including 'solubility4applet.jar' solved the problem, but after upgrading to 5.0.0 including any of the solubility .jars gives:


class "chemaxon.calculations.logP"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package

Tamas wrote:
Next time, please post JChem configuration problem to the JChem forum.
Which one is that? I've found only 'Instant JChem'.

ChemAxon e08c317633

28-01-2008 10:21:14

bikadi wrote:
However, I need solubility. With 5.0.0 beta2, including 'solubility4applet.jar' solved the problem, but after upgrading to 5.0.0 including any of the solubility .jars gives:


class "chemaxon.calculations.logP"'s signer information does not match signer information of other classes in the same package


We will contact you in email regarding this issue.
Tamas wrote:
Next time, please post JChem configuration problem to the JChem forum.
Which one is that? I've found only 'Instant JChem'.
Structure search and chemical database (Support for JChem Base and JChem Cartridge)

