Toolbar shortcuts feature request

User 7b15d0a49a

09-03-2007 14:27:36

Hello all,

I would like to make a feature request for integrating Marvin into Java applications.

It would be very useful to be able to specify shortcuts to some functions (for example auto mapping) which would appear in the same area as select / erase / etc, and for this to be preset by the developer by using some form of XML configuration file. This would help end users find commonly used functions for that application and improve their user experience, and allow different shaortcuts to be available in different applications.



ChemAxon 7c2d26e5cf

09-03-2007 14:30:57

We are working hard on menu customization. In the new Marvin (4.2), you will be able to define shortcuts and menus.

User 7b15d0a49a

09-03-2007 14:32:19

Excellent, thanks for the speedy response!
