Questions and comments

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

08-10-2004 12:47:27

If you have any questions or comments please reply to this message or if you would prefer please contact Nora Lapusnyik on +361 453 2658

User 21b7e0228c

03-04-2006 09:45:03

GRR - I meant "VIEWTOPIC.PHP?t=1340" - that's what I typed into the subject line, now why did it post as "ftopic" (does the "f" originate from where I think it does ??).

It (e.g. both konqueror & explorer, and no matter whether viewtopic.php or ftopc syntax is used for address) says there's no such item to be visualized (and reply mail to forum _at_ bounces back - one of the few disadvantages of a robot wrt. a /blond/ secretary?)

ChemAxon 43e6884a7a

03-04-2006 12:06:43


What is the problem? We don't really understand your post.



User 21b7e0228c

04-04-2006 07:07:26

Well, I got an email asking me to have a look at the presentations for the UGM, and as I adore to criticize other people's work ;-) I rushed to open the herein given link:

with less than optimal success rates (tried again this mornin' - nothing changed!)

ChemAxon 43e6884a7a

04-04-2006 10:40:12

I have just tried from both IE and Firefox and the link worked. I was logged in. What is the exact error message in IE?

User 21b7e0228c

04-04-2006 12:48:23

NOW it works - thanks! Don't know why all my previous clicks on the link systematically got me a message saying that the topic 1340 does not exist (though I always used the same right hand for clickin')? Maybe it came into existence only once you looked at it - you should really implement some quantum chemical modules into your API, I think they'll be a hit! ;-)

User 870ab5b546

06-05-2006 12:33:25

Hi Alex,

How much time am I allocated for my presentation?

-- Bob

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

06-05-2006 12:52:28

HI Bob,

The slot is 30 minutes, so 20-25 minutes max and QnA

User d2950aa5e4

09-06-2006 11:06:35

Do you plan to publish the UGM 2006 presentations ? I am especially interested in the June 08 17:30 one, presented by Szabolcs Csepregi. Regards. J.

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

10-06-2006 04:35:11

HI Jiri,

Yes all of them (I hope) will be linked from their abstracts over the next few days, but I will send on the submitted version by mail. Alex

User 204415f4a4

12-06-2006 09:56:30

Hello all,

Just to say thank you to all ChemAxon team for organizing this superbe second UGM. Nice presentations, good science, good food... everything was really great. No "false note" as we say in french :)

Hope te see you all next year.


Aureus Pharma

User 9efe68132a

19-04-2007 18:40:57

I've registered through the web, and at the end it said "You've successfully registered". However, I was expecting to be prompted for the credit card info, to pay for the Training and Meeting costs, and it did not happen. Should I expect to pay at the meeting, or will you send me invoice separately? I'm first time participant.

ChemAxon b124dd5f17

19-04-2007 19:53:10

HI Kate,

No we do not issue automatic emails normally we are alerted and an email is sent from Nora to arrange the payments details. I expect the timing of your registration means Nora will be in touch tomorrow.

This is our first year for this online registration so I will make it more friendly for next year

Cheers / Alex

User 3d3f3767a2

24-06-2008 15:46:59


I just registered but I can't find anything on accommodations or where the meeting is being held - am I missing something or that information forthcoming?



ChemAxon b124dd5f17

24-06-2008 16:36:17

Hi Craig,

My bad. I have updated the accommodation page and added the link to the main UGM page. Please see this link for more information.

Hope this does for you
