another problem with standardizer

User cf4264f752

28-10-2011 13:06:12

Hi again)

I have this structure of Gonadotropine Releasing Hormone analogue - GRH_analogue.mol

I can understand that it's rather complex structure, but anyways the result of 

jc_standardize(structure, 'config:clean:full') isn't very satisfying - check strange_clean.svg.

Maybe you could recommend some additional parameters to make it look better that don't affect the look of the other structures. Without clean it looks okay, but the problem is that we use batch standardization of all our structures.

our environment is the following:


Oracle environment: 
Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bi 
PL/SQL Release - Production 
CORE Production 
TNS for Linux: Version - Production 
NLSRTL Version - Production 

JChem owner: JCHEM 
JChem Server environment: 
Java VM vendor: Sun Microsystems Inc. 
Java version: 1.6.0_23 
Java VM version: 19.0-b09 
JChem version: 
JChem Index version: 5060000 
JDBC driver version:

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

28-10-2011 13:51:45

Hi Alena,

Would template-based cleaning an acceptable solution here? (Please, see cleaningTemplate option of the jc_standardizer operator.)



User cf4264f752

29-10-2011 14:48:49

Hi, Peter!

I need to discuss it with our chemists, but it seems rather unlikely. It's simplier to keep it out of standardizing I guess.

My question actually is if you do think that the result of the particular clean will change somewhere in the future or we need to devise our own way around it - either with template-based cleaning or simply turning it off for certain structures (I think we have another examples of unsatisfying clean, do you need them?)

ChemAxon aa7c50abf8

31-10-2011 10:08:07

Hi Alena,

I moved this topic to the forum where cleaning-related issues are discussed.

Best regards,


ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

01-11-2011 17:03:29

Hi Alena,

My question actually is if you do think that the result of the particular
clean will change somewhere in the future or we need to devise our own
way around it - either with template-based cleaning or simply turning it
off for certain structures (I think we have another examples of
unsatisfying clean, do you need them?)

Thank you for the report. I have created a bugfix issue. As far as I see we will not have time to fix this in this year, but we will definitely want to improve our 2D celaning algorithm.

User cf4264f752

21-11-2011 16:32:53

Thanks for your answer, volfi

We'll keep tracking changes

User cf4264f752

12-03-2012 13:02:25

Hi, volfi!

Here are just few more examples of unsatisfying work of cleaning algorithm

ChemAxon 25dcd765a3

19-03-2012 08:14:58

Thank you for the examples.

We will start to work on the improvement soon.