CXSmiles to PNG - atom labels

User 7a95044e7d

26-09-2013 14:46:14

Dear Support,

i'm using molconvert to create images from CXSmiles. In the following case: CCC(*)c1sccc1* |$;;;R1;;;;;;R2$| the resulting image shows an '(a)' label on the carbon connected to the R group (see attached image). Is it possible to remove this label, and if yes how?


Thank you very much,


ChemAxon 044c6721bc

27-09-2013 08:31:10

Hi Matthias,

Maybe this is an import bug (the (a) label), we are investigating it. We'll inform you.


ChemAxon 044c6721bc

02-10-2013 08:01:09

Hi Matthias,

It is an import bug, we will fix it. Thanks for the report.


User 7a95044e7d

02-10-2013 08:53:09

Janos, thanks for the feedback!

Do you have an idea when a patch is going to be released?



ChemAxon 044c6721bc

03-10-2013 07:03:01

Hi Matthias,

In the version 6.2 (in november or december).
